Facebook comments is temporarly blocked?
IssueAccording to facebook, we can not use the facebook comments feature in MC? I checked my FB account and there is nothing wrong there. I am not blocked from FB. This is completely the connection between MC and FB. See the attached. Just want to s... -
Invoice not created
BugHello, I am using IM in combination with hikashop. it works fine as far. But if an order is placed with two or more shipping methods, the invoice in IM is not created. An error occurs. see attachments. The invoice in hikashop looks fine (also attac... -
Expected date of released of music collection for J4 ?
Hi it's been a few months i am waiting for the release of Music collection for J4 to launch my website. Can you give us some update ? Are you really working activelyon it? Otherwise I will have to look for another componant ... Best regards... -
When will work on J4?
I need pappershape, affiliate tracker and expense manager working on J4. Some update?... -
Sorting in backend
Hi Could you add sorting for backend views for AT ? So that we can sort all columns depending on values, accounts etc Also could you add a search ability per username instead of account id ? That shouldn't be difficult Thanks... -
Translate Music Collection
Hi i translate music collection joomla 3 to Persian language ( Farsi ) u can use in your site for other people i cant buy Joomla 4 version because i have not much money in my country my salary is 100$ per month and i must pay 90$ for... i h... -
Songs not playing
Hi, When I upload an mp3 it is showing up in the songs, but not playing when I click on it. When I check in the folder /songs it is there, but file size is 0. My upload limit is set to 1000M, so that is not the problem. Also, it is putting a prefi... -
Think there is a bug in the PHP8 version
Hi Germinal, Think I found a bug in the php 8 version.. If I make a change at album level I am getting an error. This happens on both my local test and live site. Locally it runs on PHP8 and live on PHP8.1. If I change the sites back to PHP7.... -
Adding working hour on the front-end?
TaskIs it possible to add working hours to an existing project on the front-end of PaperShape after logging in? It would be much simpler to our employees to remain on the company's Joomla site not going to the admin page. Regards, Bence... -
Joomla 4
IssueI just purchased the joomla 4 version however only joomla 3 shows up in downloads?... -
Error with albums
There was an update to our server with PHP and Apache that is causing some issues. I've corrected everything I could find but am still running into an issue with anything related to albums. The albums module on our front page essentially brought ou... -
JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Field 'image' doesn't have a default value
BugHey TEAM! Happy New Year When I am installing on Joomla 4 I am getting the following error when installing "com_muscol_3.0.8_pro_3.x" JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Field 'image' doesn't have a default value I have attached a screen shot ... -
how can i put menu link to albums and artists grid?
hi, i will like to know how can i put menu links to albums and artists grid. thanks for help... -
AT is Still Not Working Why?
BugI submitted a ticket about the AT program not working on the back end. You sent me an email claiming it was fixed and to download the new version. I did and the backend works. Now, when I had a chance to test it by applying for an AT, I get this e... -
Invoice Number
Hello, is there a possibility on Invoice Manager to reset the invoice number per example each month oder each year? BR Anita... -
Your system is not work
IssueAs you can see, your system is not working. Why? Plug-in is loaded and approved to work.... -
Where is my download
I just bought Content Statistics Extended Professional but I don't see a joomla 4 download in my downloads?... -
New invoce
Hello, I want to ask, if I create an invoce from Invoce manager component, assigned to a Virtuemart Shopper, then the order will appear on the Virtuemart order manager list; If I create an invoce from Invoce manager component, can I define prod... -
Can't install
IssueHi, I just purchased Affiliate Tracker and I'm having issues. I installed the component and plugin successfully to Joomla 4.1.5, PHP 8.1.13 However when trying to create and account I got a database error. I did a backup recovery of Jooml... -
Joomla 4
hi is PaperShape Extended Professional already available for joomla 4 ?... -
Problem with logo
Hello, the logo show on the admin panel, but not on the PDF. Have tried with: {company_logo} /images/... /media/... Everywhere the alt show and the error msg is: Image not found or type unknown Why?... -
Demo backend doesnt work to login
Hi the demo backend with user and password doesnt work ie https://demo.joomlathat.com/administrator/index.php Cheers!... -
Joomla 4 ready?
When will the Content Statistics extension be ready for Joomla 4 ??... -
PHP8 error MusColGraphics
After Update to PHP8 this i will get when i start the music collection at the frontpage. Non-static method MusColGraphics::renderThumb() cannot be called statically: Non-static method MusColGraphics::renderThumb() cannot be called statically Ca... -
I want a refund
I have bought renew Music collection for a new periode. But now i had to update to PHP 8 and Joomla 4 and now it won't work anymore. I want a refund for this version. I will be back if te Music Collection is ready for PHP 8 and Joomla 4. Please send ... -
Generate PDF and Email INSIDE Invoice Details
I noticed a lack of a Download/Email button from within the Invoice Details pages, it would be great to generate either of these things from the details page instead of having to go back to the Invoices list and finding the invoice in the list, then ... -
Product Variants
TaskHow can I add product variants?, like extras of a product, let's say I want to sell a usb cable, I will like to have variants like 2 meters or 3 meters and the price increase depending of what they choose, maybe also color: Red or Blue. Or with the ... -
Hello, After click on the Paypal button how to have the Paypal connection page in french ? Best regards Stephane SCHMITT... -
IM 3.3.0 Changelog
TaskHi JoomlaThat team, I can't find any changelog for IM 3.3.0. DO I miss something ? Thanks by advance for any info. regards....