Music Collection
The Music Management System for Joomla!Music Collection is a highly configurable Music Management System for Joomla. Music Community with Artist profiles, albums, play songs online and share playlists. The definitive Joomla Music player!
- Create artists, albums, songs & playlists
- Let users upload their own music
- Mobile friendly (HTML5 player for iPhone, iPad...)
- EasySocial, JomSocial, Komento integration
- ID3 tag recognision and folder scan auto-import
- Graphic reports with Content Statistics
Compatible with Joomla 2.5 & 3.x
Powerful features learn about the main reasons to start using Music Collection!

The Music Extension for Joomla
Whether you want to share your Music catalogue in your website or you want to start a Music community where everybody can contribute, this is your extension

Folder auto-scanning Learn more
Import all your music with 1 click with our recursive folder import. Import folders in your server using ID3 metadata in your files, create albums automaticly scanning folders

JomSocial integration Learn more
Display user's albums on profile and Music Collection activities on Activity Stream on JomSocial wall

EasySocial integration Learn more
Display user's albums on profile and Music Collection activities on Activity Stream on EasySocial wall

Handy modules Learn more
Display albums, songs and playlists in modules even outside the Music Collection pages.

Komento integration Learn more
Use Komento's comment engine to let the users comment on albums, songs, artists and playlist

HTML5 player: iPad, iPhone, mobile devices Learn more
Flash and HTML5 player included. Works with all browsers and mobile devices.

Tag system Learn more
Tag all your music, songs and albums for great classification and search filtering

Store locally or link to external server
If you don't want to have your files in the same server as your installation, you can simply "point" your installation to play files from an external URL

Create and share playlists Learn more
Your users can create and store their own playlists picking the songs they want to be in it, to access them again later.

SEO Friendly Learn more
SEO extensions for better Google indexation

Statistics and reports Learn more
Keep tracking of everything that occurs in your site, and make beautiful graphics of it

Share and Bookmark Learn more
Share your albums, songs and artists on your social networks, like Facebook or Twitter

DISCOGS integration Learn more
Import album data and tracklists automaticaly from DISCOGS free database

Multi-lingual support Learn more
Any language is valid. 17+ language packages available. Multi-alphabet letter bar

Download ZIP albums
Automatic "ZIP all files" of an album to download it with one click (for Linux-based servers)
Music Collection is an easy-to-use, highly configurable and intuitive Music Management System for Joomla! that will help you list all your albums, songs, artists, mp3 and more in your web site, under your classification preferences and with all sort of details. Let your users upload their content and make your Music Community grow in your Joomla site. Highly integrated and network friendly, Music Collection is the definitive music player and music classification managerfor Joomla 2.5 & 3.x. Includes flash and HTML5 player for iPad, iPhone and mobile devices.
Among many other features, with Music Collection for Joomla! you can...
- Add albums, artists and songs
- Front-end users can add content
- Add all sort of details into your albums or music items
- Write reviews on your albums, artists or songs
- Rate your albums and let your users rate and write comments on your albums
- Add mp3 files to your songs and let registered users to listen them online or download
- Play songs in all browsers or all devices, including iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, Blackberry...
- Add lyrics, chords and other details to your songs
- Make associative relations between artists
- Define your own music formats, types of record and more and stablish relationships between them
- Define your own music genre tree, associating multiple "parent genres" and "children genres" to every genre
- Add your own tags to every item
- Add special keywords to be associed to your albums or artists
- Decide how to group your items when are displayed in the front-end
- Group diferent types of albums in Box Sets and decide to display them separately or in group
- Easily manage compilations of various artists
- Export your lists of albums to PDF
- Integrate album information into Joomla! articles
- Search artits, albums and songs through your collection. Use the built-in Joomla! search engine or the provided Music Collection specific search enginem filtering artists, formats or genres if you wish.
- Videos for songs. Built-in integration with YouTube videos
- JW Player fully customizable, ultra-stable, plays MP3, AAC, MP4, FLV...
- Playlists let your users create their own playlists on-the-go and store, comment them.
- Dynamic generation of album thumbnails: now you can choose the size of each thumbnail, gives you even more template customization
- ... and more!
Are you the site administrator? Music Collection also provides the following features
- Completely integrated into Joomla! distribution, no extern components or plugins needed
- SEF (Search Engine Friendly). Music Collection is prepared for install extra plugins to work with the most common SEF components distributed for Joomla!, such as Artio JoomSEF system or sh404sef. Check out our Downloads area to see extensions available
- Complet separation of programming logic and content display. Easily change the templates that display your albums or artists, and change styles in the included CSS files
- Multilingual support. Write your own traduction files into your language
- Using Joomfish? use the Music Collection Joomfish extension to translate albums, artists and song reviews to all the languages in your site
- ... and more!
Music Collection comes as a Component and a set of Modules for Joomla! perfectly integred into your Joomla! Site, in both the user and administrator interface.
Add albums, artists, formats, tracklists, lyrics, genres and more! Write your own reviews on your albums and their artists, chose the way to display the albums and the lists of albums, search items in your collection, rate the albums and songs, let the users of your site rate and comment your albums and your collection... all in a few clicks and ready to work out-of-the-box!
Missing something?
Do you find some feature missing that you need for your site? tell us! We are working to improve Joomla Music Collection day after day so it fits everyone's needs!
And if your request is very specific, we can develope customly for you in our Custom Coding Service!