Are you planning to release Invoice manager compatible with Joomla 4?
Responses (10)
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0Dear JoomlaThat support,
We would like to develop our joomla Ecommerce website and right now, we are considering to generate it by Joomla 4... For the reason that the joomla 3 will be expired soon, so we'd like to develop it in joomla 4 version.. would you please tell me, a stimate time when you will release the new version of joomla 4 invoice manager component? I know you are working on it, but to be honest, I wanna make sure, is it worth waiting to be released and purchase it if it is soon, or we have to look for another solution to resolve our case?
Please update us about the creation timeline of invoice manager joomla 4 version..
Thank you.. -
Accepted Answer
0Dear Germinal,
Could you please inform us where are we on this, is IM be updated for Joomla 4 or not? When is this due, as the time is starting to run short, soon we wont be able to even run the IM current stable versions because of PHP is moving forward too.
I would like to see IM be given some attention, so it makes sense for us to pay the annuity. Please don't take me wrong but we also deserve a bit of more respect from Joomthat as we trusted your software to run our business. -
Accepted Answer
0I would like to see IM be given some attention, so it makes sense for us to pay the annuity. Please don't take me wrong but we also deserve a bit of more respect from Joomlathat as we trusted your software to run our business.
What I mean is, you have a great product here, and people (at least me) trusting and enjoying it. Shall we both parts dedicate some "Kikubari", The Art of Attention to ourselves and the others? -
Accepted Answer
2I would also like to nudge for a Joomla 4 version of Invoice Manager. We wanted to include it in our transition to Joomla 4, but unfortunately had to drop the component and find an alternative solution for the time being. I will be happy to renew once a Joomla 4 option becomes available. Thanks for all your great work!
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