Quickbooks integration
Is there any way to integrate quickbooks with invoice manager?... -
Error: Attempt to assign property "company_logo" on null creating a pdf
IssueHi, When trying to create a pdf I get the following error: Attempt to assign property "company_logo" on null I've no idea where this comes from. Any ideas? Tom... -
Upgrading to Joomla 4
The Extensions tab says "Compatible with Joomla 3.x & 4.x" but the Downloads area under my login only mentions Joomla 3.x. If I upgrade my Joomla to 4.x, will Invoice Manager continue to work? Is there anything I need to do to prepare it? I'm using I... -
Information to Joomla comunity - Uninterested Support with 7000+ unresolved threads
Hi comunity, I am a customer with JomlaThat for a lot of years now but what was already bad some years ago is getting worse. The company as intentionally chosen to delay or even completely ignore a LOOOOT of the support requests even if they could... -
Exporting invoices CSV no updated when modify request
BugHi Germinal, I have an issue here with IM. A do a filter on invoice (i.e. Name : XXX - Date from 02/01/2023 -> 31/07/2023) and get a result. I export it in CSV -> Everything is OK. A do a second filter (i.e. Name : YYY - no date) and get the resu... -
Template Editing Error
IssueHello, When going into your template editor to customize it for our business, I cannot save. It gives me the following error: Not Acceptable! An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error... -
Problem with Invoices
Dear all, after migration to HikaShop Business 4.7.4 I suddenly get invoices in IM with emty name and address fields. see attachments. Any idea what went wrong? HikaShop invoice looks fine. BR Anita... -
VirtueMart custom fields
IssueHello. How can I add the value of custom fields to the invoice? The invoice includes the name of the product, but not the weight selected by the buyer in the customizable field. VirtueMart 3.0.8 Joomla! 3.5.0 PHP 5.6.40 Invoice Manager 3.2.4... -
Affiliate Tracker for Joomla users - registered by custom form
Hi, Because of some limitations of the Joomla Registration form we need to register new users by a new/custom form we made ourselves. The programmer is asking how can we trigger the plugin (Affiliate Tracker for Joomla users i) to work the same... -
How to change currency ???
Hello, i have juste upgrade to Invoice Manager 3, and now i can't choose my country currency CHF ?! How can i do that, i have only a little current choice in admin parameters.... -
Invoice Manager J4x installation issue
IssueInvoice manager installation: JInstaller: :Installation: File does not exist [ROOT][TMP]/install_64a8931179d83/index.html I read other posts here from users with the same issue. Please fix it quickly or refund my purchase. Joomla v 4.3.2 Purc... -
RSTicket PRO chart
Olá bom dia, é possivel gerar o grafico dos dados do componente RSTickets! Pro, tenho ele instalado e preciso de disponibilizar alguns grafico das solicitações. Fico no aguardo. José Garcia Sombra ---------------------------------------------- ... -
Where can I edit the email?
Hello Unfortunately I can't find the file where I can edit it? which file is that? path ? Thank you for help kind regards Ronny... -
PayPlans Plugin for Invoice Manger Not Working
After finally getting a working copy of Invoice Manager for Joomla 4 the payplans plugin now appears to be broken. It is an integral part of the reason we purchased and have continued to use payplans. A solution would be greatly appreciated!... -
More space between currency symbol and price
Hi, I'd like to have a little bit more space between the currency symbol an de price in PDF generation: For now on as an example : €9,95 but i want is like this way € 9,95 How to handle? Kind regards.... -
Installation error for Invoice Manager on Joomla 4
Having problems installing on joomla 4 for Invoice. I recently made a purchase. Can you please assist?... -
Can't find authorize.net plugin
IssueI just purchase invoice manager for Joomla 4. It says that it supports authorize.net, but there are no payment plugins for authorize.net. I need this to work with authorize.net. Where is that file?... -
Virtuemart price different from the price of the bill "Invoice Manager"
Ciao, I just installed the "Invoice Manager" and I did some testing, but the price of the bill Virtuemart is different from that generated by Invoice Manager. The price paid is always correct, but the subtotal is increasing. My mistake some setting?... -
Invoice Manager creates two invoices for the same order: hikashop + hikamarket could be the problem?
BugHola Joomlathat, bon día desde Galicia: Perdonar que me tome la libertad de escribir en castellano, pero hay que aprovechar la circunstancia de tener desarrolladores Joomla tan cerca . Llevo unos días haciendo pruebas con Invoice Manager. Des... -
LOGO-problem on Invoice and Quote
I tryed diffent ways to add my companylogo to quotes and invoices. Nothing works. I see the logo while editing the template. But when I create a PDF it doesn't show it. I searched info, followed the instructions etc. Can't get it to work. Witho... -
Will Papershape be available for Joomla 4 anytime soon?
TaskJust wondering if you're working on a Joomla 4 compatible version of Papershape?... -
Hello, I have installed the latest versions from invoice manager, and akeeba subscriptions. And the plugin to connect them. But wen you push subribe now, and he is going to the payment page (testing payment plugin from akeeba) and after the paymen... -
So when is my acount reactivation going to happen?
IssueSo now were on the last day of my subscription for MC? will this one be reactivated as PHP 8 / J4 compatible version is released, or straight away? Old Topic I still have NO clue what is going to happen, after you promise to me, instead of ... -
Can't send emails with invoices from back end
BugHello! I can't send emails with invoices from back end. I'm attaching a screenshot with an error message.... -
PHP8 and Music Collection
I have just recently bought the new version of music collection to make it work with php8. Unfortunatelly I get only errors. I have just bought it because of this. My errors: Non-static method MusColGraphics::renderThumb() cannot be called static... -
Modern Affiliate System
Hello, I purchased Affiliate Tracker over 2 years ago but since did not see any significant improvements, just bug fixes and minor things. The single most important feature I (and probably quite a lot of others) am looking for in afiliate system... -
Error after installing Music Collection 3.0.8 on php 8 server ; joomla 3.10.11
BugLike several other users, I bought Music Collection Component last year and had a happy experience with 3.0.7 version on php 7.4 server, with joomla 3 site. Due to end of life of php7.4, I had to upgrade to php8. So I just bought Music Collection 3... -
Migrating Invoice Manager
Hi, We are trying to migrate our current invoice manager from Joomla3 to Joomla4. What are the tables, files/ folders we need to copy over? Regards, Henry... -
Bug in creating Invoice
Dear all, i use invoice manager in combination with hikashop. When there is an order with two shipping methods (let's say one with GLS and the other one with a carrier, or one article needs no shipping because it is a downloadable product) invoice ... -
Query about software
TaskWe are interested in purchasing this software, but would like to be sure it can do what we would need it to. I tried logging into the demo and back end, but not completely sure how it works. I saw that I could add a user and setup rates etc, but is t...