Not ready Good/Bugs in Compare Module and System - Content Statistics direct in Install process...
BugHello, In Joomla Latest : 3.10.11 : a Bugs Determinate in 2 install Plug and Module in Content Statistics Latest in your server at this time. After Activate All Modules and Plug-in : Joomla Administrator : Out : Error Final In SQL PHPMyAdmin... -
Albums not shown
IssueHi, I'm developing a new website for my client, so i copied the files and database to the dev-site. In the backend everything seems to be fine, albums, songs and artists are there. In the frontend no albums are shown. I also tried the protost... -
error when editing or adding album
Hi The music collection has been working fine (yesterday) but now getting error in both front and back end when attempting to edit an album or even add a new one Too few arguments to function Joomla\CMS\Table\Table::__construct(), 1 passed in /var/... -
Renew my account
Dear Germi, I used to have an active account on your website a few years ago. My username is "mehrass2002@yahoo.com". Can I still use content statistics for recording Mosets Tree statistics? Would you please give me some discount to renew my lic... -
Music Collection for Joomla 4
IssuePlease could you tell me when MC for Joomla 4 is available. Having just subscribed to the professional Community version which advertised J4 compatibility, it is alarming that only the Joomla 3 version is available for installation and, of course, on... -
Payment Received Email Notification not working
IssueConfiguration states "Subject on payment emails" no payment email is sent when payments are received, could you advise if I have missed something. Regards Mark... -
Part payments
Customer has paid only part of invoice and I have applied the part payment against his invoice, how do I get it to reduce the total by the amount paid and how to get it to resend the invoice for the further amounts to be paid, docs say it can be done... -
Expected date of release - joomla 4
Hi, I renew my subscrition to music collection but I am waiting for the release of compatible version with joomla 4 to add it on my new website. I read it should be released in october, is that correct? Looking forward to hearing from you, Nat... -
Problems updating to 4.0.0.
Hi, when doing my updates in the admin backend of Joomla the update to vers 4 for the affiliate tracker returns an error message. When I have a look this end the version to download is still 2.1.7 which is what I have loaded already. Could you let ... -
Problems with update
Hi, I have a subscription valid until June 23 for affiliate tracker, however I am having problems updating the component to the latest version? I have 2.1.7 on my site and available in my downloads, but on my site is says version 4 is available but ... -
Show statistics on admin page.
IssueHello. It is possible to show the statistics from content statistics on my admin dashboard? Thanks you.... -
PDF not showing on invoice
Hi, I use invoice manager for years now and every few months i encounter the same problem The company logo doesn't show up on the PDF version of an invoice, I have tried everything: - PHP settings allow_url_fopen ON of OFF tried both - R... -
Reports Zoom by month crashes always
BugIs it possible to fix the bug of crashing the Zoom by month all the time I click on it. When I click to refresh the page in the back-end, it throws an error of "Call to undefined function cal_days_in_month()". Please fix this issue.... -
BugHello I want to buy https://www.joomlathat.com/music-collection do you install it yourself?... -
School Based Fundraising
IssueHi, I am running an affiliate marketing campaign for clubs. 1) club registers, shares affiliate link with every child 2) each child registers using club affiliate link. 3) child shares their own affiliate link to their friends and family to s... -
PHP 8 & last update
IssueGerminal, Hopefully I get an answer..? so lets try this... If I am correct MusCol does NOT work with php 8.0 / 8.1 (yet). At least I am getting errors and a non working test site. The last update as mentioned in the Joomla extensions page (Sep... -
Is it possible to pay royalties?
TaskHi, im using Affiliate tracker for some time, and its ok to pay affiliate commissions. But I have other commission I would like to track, and dont know if its possible to do with this component. I have some of my products that need to pay a fixed o... -
Undefined constant " "
Hi there, I just bought expense manager and when i set a menu on frontend to use the component (Expense Manager » Items view (MAIN VIEW)) just show a error and i can't use the component properly. Undefined constant " " I can set everything b... -
0 sizeof(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, string givenHi there
BugHi there, Im just migrating a domain and when i install my paper_shape component just show up this error on administrator and i can't see anything . I asked before about that and someone replied me asking if i installed the plugin, but that same p... -
Recurrent invoices
Hi, i do need the reccurent invoice feature in Invoice Manager. How it should work in my opinion: * I create an invoice * set it to reccurent for example every 1 year * the system creates automatically a new invoice for the customer each year ... -
Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() error
IssueHello, I am running with Joomla 3.10.11 and PHP 8.0.22 unfortunately I get Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() error in the backand when i click on Invoice manager. It works fine with PHP 7.4 but not PHP 8 In php.ini magic_quotes if off ... so what... -
Note after update Invoicemanager
IssueHello I received the following message after updating the Ivoicemanager to com_invoices_3.3.0 ----------------- JInstaller: :Install: The file "[ROOT][TMP]/install_632411c90a983/index.html" does not exist. ----------------- Is this notice import... -
Invoice manager receive part payments
IssueHello Customer has paid only part of invoice and I have applied the part payment against his invoice, how do I get it to reduce the total by the amount paid and how to get it to resend the invoice for the further amounts to be paid, docs say it ca... -
optimize cache images
Hi Germi, I was wondering if its possible to add the cached images your script creates to be optimized? They show up in my gtmetrix reports ===== Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 62.4KiB (14% reduction). Losslessly comp... -
automatically sending invoice to customer
Dear all, after migrating to IM 3.3.0 Invoice Manager doesn't send the invoices automatically to the customer as before .. Manually there is no problem. Configuration Any ideas ? I use IM in combination with Hikashop. Configuration can be seen in ... -
Other features for Invoice Manager
Hi, I was wondering whether following are feasible feature requests: Ability to add a general condictions page to the invoice (and others) Possibility to add additional content as addtional pages to the invoice when it is being rendered int... -
Copying invoices with payments - missing due dates
When I copy an invoice that has scheduled payments in it, the payments copy over, but the due dates don't. Any suggestions?... -
com_muscol_3.0.8_pro_3.x shows 3.0.7 as version number after update
BugI downloaded both the 3.0.7 and 3.0.8 versions and verified that the file size was different, but the manifest.xml file on the 3.0.8 version still had the 3.0.7 version. I updated the manifest file and re-applied the update. Music Collection now sh... -
Affiliate Tracker not working on Joomla 3.10.11 with Virtuemart
IssueI cannot get conversions to work on my website. Users can spend money at my store, but it does not register. I have enabled the Affiliate Tracker plugin for Virtuemart, and I have the access set to public. Could Someone help me with this?...