Unable to Find J4 download
IssueHello, I purchased the Invoice manager subscription for all Joomla versions - Paid 79 Euros through my Card. However, I cannot see the component for Joomla 4. Your site said that all Joomla versions (including 4) are supported. Please help. ... -
Stripe key
Hi, I installed the Stripe plugin version "plg_payment_affiliates_stripe_1.0.3_4.x". I see there is a Stripe Secret key and publishable key on the account of an affiliate. Is this meant to be the stripe key of that person or my own accoun... -
MC Doesn't work as supposed to on PHP8
Germinal, Sorry to say but MC 3.0.8 DOES NOT work on PHP8! I have some troubles with modules see previous post, but importing new albums DOES NOT work at all! I have just installed a clean J3 version on my live server on PHP8.1 with only MC fo... -
Bugs for Payment Options
BugHi, there are some bugs in the Affiliate tracker: 1) On admin area for Payment as you can see it say :Please save it first - but it does not able to save. 2) On the User side - the user is not able to change Payment options or updated Payment opt... -
My bill is wrong
My invoice 29/06/22 2022-0068 xavier escriba zanuy 39,00€ 47,19€ View invoice payments 1 0 0 47,19€ is wrong The correct data is escribaSegur S.l. E B16989162... -
Virtuemart discount for customers using affiliate links
TaskHi, if customers come via affiliate links - is it possible to give them a discount automatically in Virtuemart? Thank you!... -
invoice manager 3.2.4 don't work with Joomla 3.10.10 ?
Hello, I update my invoice manager to 3.2.4 and then, not appear a list of invoice, and a timer is on, I can't do anything !!! Can you help me ? see a photo ... thank you... -
Error when opening component after new install
IssueWe've used your Content Statistics Component for our clients before and love it. We purchased the new version of it, attempted to install it, and keep getting an error message. We uninstalled the plugins and components, re-downloaded them from your s... -
Modules not working on PHP 8
Hi Germinal, I have just installed the last version for use with PHP8. MC works fine on first view, but the modules aren't showing up any more on the front page. You can see what I mean at my testsite: http://powerfromhell.no-ip.org/bandz (is r... -
just my thoughts until now... for the new version
TaskMy thought for the new version (some already asked before) 1 - I would like to have a space between the songs for album 1 and album 2 for double albums.. 2 - a pop-up as the mouse goes over the artist name logo with the name in plane text... work... -
How to set Two comissions?
Hi, Is it possible to set 50% comisions only for one HIKA shop product and keep 10% for all other products?... -
How to add Russian Language?
Hi, Could you please indicate all steps to add new language that you don't have yet as translation. 1) Where is the English file as a core to make translation 2) Where to place new files 3) File name for new language ( Russian) 4) Where in the... -
General questions
IssueHey germinal..just some general questions...im trying to figure out the details on invoice manager and couldnt find much reference in the documentation...ive been testing its functions and just a few questions..thanks... 1..Procucts...i have no id... -
Facebook comments
IssueFacebook comments are not showing up on my website. Please help!! https://www.entertainmentxp.com... -
carousel more rows per page ?
is there a way to show more albums verticall in carousel mode like ajax cards but with carousel options?I want to have more images shown in the module and they are all horizontal displayed and when adding more images get smaller they dont create a ne... -
How to allow users to Add Songs to an existing Album
TaskDear Team, Is there an easy way to allow users to add songs to an existing album, as the album can keep growing. PS: I have looked-up in the forum and could not find a solution, hence requesting help here. I am using Music Collection Communi... -
Problem. Errors after installation Invoice Manager
IssueAfter installation "invoice manager" there are problems. How do I resolve these issues? They are in the program menu. Joomla 3.9.26 PHP: 7.4 Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /home/klient.dhosting.pl/**********/***... -
DOMPDF issues
I have an issue related to DOMPDF, Having installed and configured and run up, adding invoices, quotes etc, I decided to install the pdf optional feature (as required put in helpers directory under dompdf as advised, changed the ownership to the we... -
Problem with PDF + translation
Hello, I have two problems with PDF (Invoice Manager): - did not send me a PDF as a mail attachment - I did it according to the instructions: https://www.joomlathat.com/documentation/invoice-manager/installation In this connection I am sendin... -
Problem with Invoice Manager
Hello, I'm using Invoice Manager 3.2.4 together with HikaShop on my joomla 3.10.9. Sometimes no invoice is generated when the status of the order is confirmed. Unfortunately the problem is not at every order. There is an error 1064 in the sql syntax... -
IssueI am using Hikashop Business. I have setup Affiliate Tracker exactly as per instructions. It creates the affiliate with all the necessary mails and links sent to the affiliates but when a client clicks on the link and purchases an item the purchase ... -
Collision with template
BugHi, affiliate tracker doesn't work well with our template. Can you fix it? https://bzoomer.online/affiliate check this video with problems. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p4dyxzrmqajjkoppfank-xbqdj85a24p/view?usp=sharing... -
Version 4.0 not visible in downloads
IssueHello. I'm using Affiliate Tracker 2.1.7. Version 4.0.0 is not visible in my downloads.... -
ETA for J4 PLease
IssueHi Guys What is your eta for J!4 support for the Invoices Component Willing to beta test if need be... -
Pre-purchase questions
TaskI'm interested in purchasing the Affiliate Tracker extension. Do you have a discount coupon that i can use? Money is tight on my end. Thanks.... -
Affiliate tracker suddenly just stopped working
Hi! Approx 6+ months ago we set up Affiliate Tracker and everything was working perfectly. Now we've noticed that the conversions don't get through anymore, any idea on how we can search for the error? We have no clue where to start.. We didn't ch... -
Pre-sale questions
Why demo is with old version? Conversion status by default? NOT APROVED with manual aprovement? Problem with cyrillic - tested on demosite... check marketing material secion... when I type in cyrilliic after save it displays ???? ??????? ?? I dont... -
when the Affiliate tracker for J 4 will be available?
BugCould you please let us know when the Affiliate tracker for J 4 will be available? It is unique component and is a must for any commercial website. Please communicate! Looking forward!!!... -
When will Calendar Planner be Joomla 4 compatible ?
IssueHi there, When will Calendar Planner be Joomla 4 compatible ? Regards Markus... -
Affiliate Tracker for Joomla 4?
BugAny hope for Affiliate Tracker for Joomla 4? It is end of the year.... Looking forward...