Monthly reports with balance of the previous month
I need to generate monthly stock of the Expense Manager releases. I can do this with Content Statistics? On balance it is necessary to add up all the launch of the month plus the balance from the previous month. It's possible?... -
Redirect Loop
Hello, The follow screenshot was taken... The client wants you to review all of your components to double check that they are not vulnerable. PM access will be sent or to your email. SUBJECT from EMAIL/PM : VULNERABILITY REVIEW... -
By website it is no possibile to download the PDF
comes this message: You have no permission to download this file Thanks... -
Update to 2.0
I use version 1.1.5 of the expense manager and wanted update to version 2. Should i just download and install the new version over the old one or do i have take attention to something?... -
Error 500 inmain view
Hello the main view return this error 500 Layout default_newItem not found The link of the menu is: index.php?option=com_finances&view=items Please could you help me. Thanks... -
assunto coleção de musica
qual preço anual do sistema coleção de musica com direito a cadastro de membro?... -
I have a subscription from April 2014 for one year but i can't download any updates. Regards, Lina... -
several vendors
Hello, I am analyzing the Invoice Manager and needed some details, see whether you can: 1 The company has several vendors; 2 We have only 1 payment for all of them; 3 Each vendor will register their clients; 4 The vendor will use the system ... -
Does the Expense Manager support approvals?
Does the Expense Manager support an approval system, where a "manager" needs to approve the expenses entered by people?... -
Invoice Manager Link
Hi, unsure if im missing something or if someone has already asked the question (there was one chap asking a fairly close question). Is there a way to have payments in invoices transfer into expense manager as an income? In the screen shots on expe... -
Graphs in Expense Manager
Do we get graphic reports as shown in Expense Manager screenshots using Expense Manager plugin alone (without Content Statistics Plugin) ?... -
Questions about Invoice Manager and Expence Manager
Hello, I have interest in the products: Invoice Manager and Expence Manager. I wonder if it runs on Joomla 1.6? Regarding the Expence Manager would be possible column sort by Category? (only have by Date and Value). Is possible export the data sp... -
Import / Export function
Is there a way to import categories, items via CSV file or via database?... -
Redirect loop- The page could not be loaded
Hello I installed the expense manager under www.abzero.co.uk/acc (Joomla 2.5). It shows a redirect loop and error, "This webpage has a redirect loop, Reload'. Please see: http://abzero.co.uk/acc/index.php/k2-categories/add-new-item?view=items ... -
Decimal Points on Currency Fields
I just purchased Expense Manager Pro and found that there is no Decimal Display settings. Would appreciate if you can provide a small update so that I can select the number of decimal places to display in the currency fields under options or point m... -
just installed but front end doesn't looks wright.
I just installed but the front page looks like this, what can I do about? I need to fix this asap, thanks http://ardo.tw/index.php/2014-09-03-16-00-32?date_in=&date_out=&category_id=&project_id=&option=com_finances&view=items&filter_order=&filter... -
Expense able to export the report
Hi, The Expense Manager able to export the report?? ( such as monthly and yearly report ) Regards, Ferrick Chan... -
Problems On Front End w/ Bootstrap 3
HI, Currently I am having a 2 issues with this extension. I know that this extension was built for bootstrap 2 however my template uses bootstrap 3. I have gone ahead and created an override to the /items/default.php file and that was able to get ... -
Subscripcion paralizada y expense manager no funciona
Buenas noches; me gustaria saber porque tengo mis dos compras en suspenso y no puedo volver a descargarlas cuando yo les pague los planes Por cierto he instalado por primera vez desde que lo compre expense manager y su componente no instala nada ... -
Erro I got this error on my website : /components/com_finances/models/items.php on line 203
I got this error on my website: Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/site/www/components/com_finances/models/items.php on line 203... -
Second version of expense manager
Hello, what would be the best way to create a second version (trial) of the expense manager for a joomla site? Regards, Michael... -
Expense Manager on Joomla 3.3 respones with an error
I created a new menu in my Joomla frontend. But only the menu item 'Items View' is still working. All the other settings 'Add new...' for categories, items and account returns an browser error as shown in German (something like too many forwardings o... -
Is there a private email where I can seek support without this being posted to the live fixes
Hello, I need help with the music player, and finance plugins. Please contact me at info@disabilityresolution.com, or at (407) 279 1754. Thanks, W-... -
how to set a bar graph of my Expenses as the demo one
Hi, how to set a bar graph of my Expenses as the demo one (red), Earnings (green) and total Balance (black), grouped by MONTH. I just can choose expense grossing in Content Statistics (EVOLUTION IN TIME) modular and set Balance for extra filed, but ... -
How to make my page display as the demo one?
I just installed expense manager, and I assigned a menu for the item view (main view) but the page display totally deferent than the demo one!!, I mean the order of entry, the bottom of the amount (-,+), how to edit the layout of the main view page ... -
Problem when selecting Display "All" items
it actually displays "5" instead... -
There is no download file in my downloads
There is no download file after i purchase Expense Manager ... -
Ability to attach image or PDF
It would be nice to have an attachment option so for example a scan of an invoice, or a PDF or screen capture (e.g. jpg) of an online invoice can be attached to the entry.... -
How to remove "New Entry" from main view
Hi, I want to remove the new entry field that is found on the main view. Which file should I edit to do this? Can anyone help? Thanks... -
Just bougth invoice module. It works excellent !!!! I should have bought the invoice and statistics module immediatle, but wanted to try it out first. Now i would like to buy the stat module, is it possible to have a discount when invoice module is...