I just installed expense manager, and I assigned a menu for the item view (main view) but the page display totally deferent than the demo one!!, I mean the order of entry, the bottom of the amount (-,+), how to edit the layout of the main view page ?
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0i marked some on the image here ...-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agooh! that looks ugly indeed ;) don't worry, this is very easy to solve. the reason is that your template does not use BOOTSTRAP (which is built in into joomla 3), so we will have to load it in there. it's just a line of code, but I would need to access your site to allow it. can you send me access to support@ joomlathat.com?
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0All working perfect now except the color picker still not working correctly, thank you for your help
I have a silly question if you can help me in please.
As you can see I'm running a multi-language site, I assigned an english language for the main view, but when I click on the Go in filter results in the main view, my upper menu change to the (all language) but I assigned english for the main view in my template sitting , do you have an idea why is that happening ?-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoit's also related to SEF. please try again now, I've added a modification to avoid loosing the language. let me know.
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0the language menu problem has been solved .. Thank you
so how to solve the color picker? I tried to clean the cache for my site , but still ....-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agocan you disable the cache momentarily? this is the only way I'll be able to make the changes.. and try if they work...
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0The Development Mode is on in the system setting is that what you mean ?-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agono.. I mean to disable the cache, which is created by the template or something. this cache is making the JS files be called from a cache stack and I can't make cahnges and see them instantly...
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0I've checked the cache sitting in the system global configuration page and it was off (caching disable)-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agothat's not the cache acting in your site. it's something called jat3action that is doing it...
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0I've cleared the jaT3 chache-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoit's not cleaning it.. it's disabling it.. nevermind, I found where to do it and I did it. please check now ;)
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0yeah it's working , but there is a message pop up when i enter the page of adding new category says (http://obcsc.net/components/com_finances/assets/jscolor/) I have to click ok to continue-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agooh sorry :) ehehe it's my fault, that was me testing. it's gone now.
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0I'll buy Content Statistics tomorrow, so will my page look the same a demo page for the reports? or do I need to ask for help to set it up ?-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agomy pleasure :) it's my work to help!
you can make the page look the same as ours if you want yes. you will need to set up the modules yourself, but it's quite easy, following our guide. No, you shouldn't have any issues like the ones we solved today :) Thanks Ali!
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