Social Share buttons Issue

The Music Collection
does it contain any native feature for Social Share buttons?

I installed the AddtoAny plugin but it adds the share buttons at the top of the content or in a module.

- Is it possible to add a module to the song pages?

Is there any other option to add Social Share buttons to the song pages?
Responses (6)
  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, May 30 2021, 12:25 PM - #Permalink
    Joselio Teider wrote:

    The Music Collection
    does it contain any native feature for Social Share buttons?

    Yes in configuration you can set it on the bookmarks tab

    - Is it possible to add a module to the song pages?

    Is there any other option to add Social Share buttons to the song pages?

    Yep you can, its explained in the documentation
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, May 30 2021, 10:24 PM - #Permalink

    My Bookmark is configured to show on song page.

    But it’s not showing, can you tell me what’s going on?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, May 31 2021, 02:15 PM - #Permalink
    Did you put the system plugin as the very last one?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, June 01 2021, 02:18 PM - #Permalink
    Which plugin?
    What order is this?
    Is there a link in the documentation you can send me about this?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, June 01 2021, 03:49 PM - #Permalink
    Joselio Teider wrote:

    Which plugin?
    What order is this?
    Is there a link in the documentation you can send me about this?

    And make sure you dont block "AddThis"
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, June 08 2021, 02:16 PM - #Permalink
    Helo! Thanks for the links

    I just updated the System plugin - Joomla 3.0 version: 3.0.1

    But Social Media's Button Bookmarks aren't working yet: childhood accidents?Itemid=1559
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