Searchbar error when publishing module
IssueHello, when I publish the search module I'm getting this error: Too few arguments to function MusColHelper::searchalbums_form_content(), 1 passed in /home/xxx/domains/xxxx/public_html/modules/mod_muscol_search_bars/tmpl/default.php on line 4 and a... -
Album view on tablet not loading
IssueHi again, hopefully someone can also help me with this. The gridview on a tablet doesn't load new albums when scrolling down. It works perfectly fine when viewing on a desktop or mobile phone. Anyone else also having problems with this? Or someone wh... -
Discogs search function not showing anything
IssueHi there, Just installed a new version of music collection. I'd like to use the disogs search but it doesn't show results when I hit search. I requested the API, it is in the configuration, also turned on CURL, but still nothing. Anything else I'm... -
disable direct downloading
TaskIll be setting up audio samples for PURCHASE in my MC installation but i have a question. I have an installation of it currently which allows song downloads. Since i am running it a certain way in my current installation, i guess ill have to inst... -
Discord doesn't work and import from own hard drive
IssueI want to import the the from mine own hard drive, not the server where mine sited is hostyed. I can't instaal the scan folder well within the Music Collection. Please can you give me instructions to do this. The discord search doesn't work. I hav... -
Social Share buttons
IssueThe Music Collection does it contain any native feature for Social Share buttons? I installed the AddtoAny plugin but it adds the share buttons at the top of the content or in a module. - Is it possible to add a module to the song pages? Is... -
Situs judi online terpercaya
Adanya pengalam dalam bermain judi poker lokasi bandarq online Tercatat, nantinya kita bisa domino qq memasang taruhan judi poker lebih tepat dan pun betul untuk membantu kegemilangan berlipat ganda dari modal awal yang telah kita gunakan sebelumnya.... -
Situs judi online terpercaya
Supremasi yang lain yang berpeluang untuk bisa kita dapatkan situs judi online terpercaya dengan daftar judi bandarq online, yakni kita dapat bisa capai kemudahan dalam menepati pemasangan taruhan. Di mana nantinya kita dapat memasang taruhan poker t... -
Depreciated Methods (facebook plugin causing an issue)
BugHi Germi. As stated in the previous email i wanted ot test this Facebook issue you corrected for a little while. Previously it looked like Facebook comments wanst working. Now that it is working, its causing an error to kick out. See attached image.... -
album "thumb" not being created in thumb folder
Bugin the backend of the MC plugin, the album cover is not appearing. please see the attached image "bak-nothumb.GIF" I copied the location of the image and pasted it into an address bar to see where its SUPPOSED to be, then i opened up my FTP tool... -
How to make a external link of a song workable?
IssueHello, web site URL : https://test.lienyin.org/ song file URL : http://files.lienyin.org/...... When I try to download the song file, I get a URL as "https://test.lienyin.org/http://files.lienyin.org/....." After tracing code, I think I n... -
More than 4-6 album & issue 0 Call to a member function base() on null
IssueDear Admin Featured albums I want to have 4 album in a line/row like your demo. How can I do that? I dont know where to set it. Number of albums to display: Number of albums to display: Number of albums to display link: https://quangharve... -
0 Call to a member function base() on null
IssueDear Admin Featured albums I want to have 4 album in a line/row like your demo. How can I do that? I dont know where to set it. Number of albums to display: Number of albums to display: Number of albums to display link: https://quangharve... -
No album covers on MC home. This looks bad.
BugGermi. This has been gonig on for like two years now. Take a look at the attached file. This is a screenshot of my MC home page showing RECENT ALBUMS. Every one of these blank spaces should be an album cover thumbnail and they are NOT showing up.... -
Recently Added Songs module not working
Hi, Joomla Version: 3.9.25 MC: Music Collection Community Professional - upgraded to the latest Since I could not find the Recently Added Songs module for Joomla 3+ , I downloaded the module for version 1.5. But when I tried to upload it from t... -
Album covers transparent for ANY album added via folder scanning
Germi. We covered this before and fount it was because i needed to use the Albums module version 3.0.2 i think. That was asked because of a different problem. Later on while working with you (several months) we finally got my website to work v... -
Undefined Vaiable "where" in MC Artist Module
BugFound an error on my MC main page where i am displaying the ARTIST module. I have made no changes to the code for this or any other MC file. Message: Notice: Undefined variable: where in .../.../joomlasite.com/modules/mod_muscol_artists/helper.php o... -
Albums not showing, artist page error it seems
For some reason, artist page is not displaying correctly as do other artist pages. The albums list comes blank (but shows album count) and songs show (but unable to play). Here's an example: https://www.sikhroots.com/audio-mp3/g/bhai-gagandeep-si... -
How to show "other Albums by this Artist" on Album Page
Hi community, on the demo page if you look at an album, it shows "other Albums by this Artist". How can I switch this on? kind regards André... -
Song Rating by unauthorized users
Hi there, I would like to allow anauthorized user rate my songs. I have already read the preivious questions, but I could not find the code you referred in "Album & Song Ratings" question. My default.php file has only 118 lines. I use Music Collec... -
What setting causes album art to appear as blank or blurred?
IssueHello, I have album art displayed correctly on the album page, blurred on the music page and blank the latest albums component on the home page. I have If I remember correctly this is something to do with thumbnail sizes or cache. Can you a... -
after 1261 artist can not create new!! it opens a box to save index.php? on local disk!
BugDear support i ahve an issue in backend can not create new artrists? when i press new it opens a box to save index.php? on my local disk! if i delete the artist 1261 i can save only the 1261 the next ones replicates the problem opens a box were i ... -
Show album in article not working
BugContent - Show Album Plugin is installed An album with ID # 77 exists I created an article and inserted this code but no album displays in the published article (I TRIED THE CODE 3 DIFFERENT WAYS) {showalbum album_77} {showalbum 77} {sh... -
Album covers missing
Sometimes when i create new albums and songs listed, the album cover does not load in the "Albums" module. Please see attachement. Its not loading the last two album covers i uploaded. I even went back and uploaded NEW album covers to take place ... -
How can I remove this glyphfa fa-search
Hello, I don't see the icons. If I look at the code in the frontend and take glyphfa fa-search away, the symbols work. Or I change fa-search to fab-search. I already use Fontawesome in other places. Apparently an old version is used in Music Collec... -
HOWTO for external server setup
IssueHi Germinal, Is there somewhere a good howto for external (songs) server setup available? I have setup my server, but it doesn't work like I want it to work. I have linked a test song to my external server and that plays fine, example: https:/... -
new songs added to existing album not showing up
IssueHi! I recently added a bunch of songs to an existing album. It looks like everything's fine with them in the back end, but they're not showing up on the album page: https://floortracks.net/index.php/component/muscol/a/12-all-writers/11-short-and-alte... -
404 error when authorize application to use your Discogs
Issuewhen I try to request Discogs API access i'm correctly referred to the Discogs page were I can authorize the application to use Discogs. After pressing the authorize button I get a 404 error. What is wrong?... -
1267 - Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'
Hello, in backend if in album view I look for "caffè" I get this error, with other search words this does not happen, in frontend in search music same problem only with this word "caffè" can you help me? Thank you 1267 - Illegal mix of col... -
PDF button gives error page
IssueHello, were is the PDF button for on the Music Collection pages. When I press the pdf button it shows a page with: 0 CALL TO UNDEFINED FUNCTION SET_MAGIC_QUOTES_RUNTIME() The page you are looking for was moved, removed, renamed or might never e...