When click on a carousel song and click play - plays playlist in pop-out player instead
IssueClicked on the song in the Carousel, then clicked the play arrow - but the playlist in the pop-out player begins playing instead 0 even though it appears that the song is playing - wrong song. (See screenshot).... -
Clicking the play arrow on the Recently Added Song plays the playlist in the pop-out player instead
IssueSee the screenshot - when clicking the play arrow - it is hit and miss to get that song to play - often the playlist in the pop-out player will play instead.... -
The songs and artists stopped swirling
IssueSee screenshot. the top viewed song and artist names used to swirl - now they don't.... -
When loading - often looks like a mess - see screenshots - who would stay?
IssueSee screenshot 1 and screenshot 2 to see how site loaded (Chrome, Firefox, Safari - browser doesn't matter). Who would want to stay on the site when it looks like this?... -
Clicking play on a song from an album or song list will start playlist in player instead - is hit and miss
IssueWhen clicking the play arrow on a song from an album or song list - the playlist in the the pop-out player will start playing instead - it is hit and miss to get these songs to play (see screenshot - can see the song in the player is playing - even t... -
Have to refresh sometimes more than once for Playlist loaded in Player to show up and won't pop out
Issue1) When first open (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) - the playlist loaded into the the player does not show up - have to refresh all browsers for it to show and be able to play. (see screenshot 1 - upon opening, then see screenshot 2 - after refreshing onc... -
Search is not working
Issue1. Placing a song title in the search field - does not work. (see screenshot 1) 2. Clicking the Search menu tab - all of the former layout is missing - (see screenshot 2) - just has Albums, Songs, Artists - then blue "See All" button - when this but... -
Have to refresh to get images to show up and carousel to work
IssueWhen first opening - the images are just little blue boxes with ? Have to refresh browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) to get images to appear. When first opening - carousel is black. Have to refresh browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) to get carouse... -
Playlists have no image or artwork availability?
IssueSo tonight im testing out the PLAYLISTS feature in Music Collection and i noticed that when you look at a list of saved playlists, they are just titles but the artwork isnt found. Through further testing, i noticed there is no way for artwork to be ... -
JomSocial MyAlbum App
BugIm not sure this is working correctly. I am using the MyAlbums JomSocial integrated APP as a CORE FILE. In the attachment you can see i am looking at SOMEONE ELSES profile but the Albums that are showing under My Albums in the left side, are NOT... -
JQuery error after site migration
IssueHello, Merry Christmas to all! We recently migrated our website to Joomla 3.9 and now have issues when loading JQuery in the Music Collection component. The issue seems to be directly isolated to the MusCol component as I don't see this err... -
How to have player continue when moving around site
TaskIs it possible to have JW player continue playing when a user leaves the page? I'd like it if people could move between albums and artists without the music stopping.... -
Hide song pages?
IssueDoes anyone know if there is a way to disable the individual song pages? The reason why I ask this is that I have over 200+ artists in my database, with a total of 779 albums, that makes about 2000 song pages. And on the song pages have no extra i... -
Store full link of song in DB instead of defaulting to the songs folder
TaskHi, I was wondering if it is possible to add the entire url for the song in the _muscol_songs database after upload? for example instead of just storing SONGNAME.mp3 it would be http://yourwebsite/songs/songname.mp3 in the filename column............ -
Joomla4 Comes in August.......
Yo Germi!!!! Joomla 4 seems set to be released in August........ its not long away. Are you ready? =-) I want to get the Music Collection component again in its full version (Community Pro) but i want to make sure testing is over.... -
Not allowed (locked)
Issuewhere to set the user rights to remove a conflict indicated by Not allowed (locked) under Calculated parameters ? Thanks... -
The lastest Joomla update cannot be done becuase my music collection is not supported.
Can you help me out? Mark... -
How do display ONLY artists a user created in dropdown
Tasksomeone else asked this questions years ago and its a great idea that should be implemented in the back end so all the front end users do NOT see artists created by other users in a DROPDOWN list on the ARTIST CREATE FORM page "would like to know ... -
stdclass error on YEAR for artists creation
BugGermi. This was covered in 2018 with my previous subscription. Since i have gone with the PRO version of MC it has returned but ONLY on an artist page. Error: seen here as example https://www.antifmradio.com/the-music/musicdatabase/a/129-the-ana... -
Allow owner edit/delete their albums and artist ??
Hi I know it can allow user to create albums and artist, but I want to know user can edit/delete owner's entries ??? thanks.... -
Undefined Property (GERMI WHERE ARE YOU!!??)
BugGermi. Ive been asking about this. You fixed it once and later i upgraded my version of Music Collection which brought BACK the error. I AM SUPPOSED TO LAUNCH TODAY and i gave you over a week heads up to support it. I NEED TO LAUNCH TODAY!!! Onc... -
(ALBUM) module not displaying CHILD genres
One of the settings in the ALBUMS module is that it will show a particular genre AND its child genres. I have set on my MC home page an ALBUM module to show the genres of HOUSE MUSIC. The module is ONLY Showing albums set to the genre of HOUSE an... -
Undefiened error in class
IssueGermi im sorry but at this point, i think you need to extend my subscription if you arent going to solve the problems. I have about 100 days left and ive been asking questions for over a year now. In fact, ive had questions being left unresolved sin... -
Songs server and Songs folder
TaskWhen i create a new Album and SONG in MC, i can see in the SQL database table for "Filename" there is only a FILENAME. (Example: Germi-Made-Music-Album.mp3) There is no http or source prepending it. I am guessing this is related to the /songs/... -
Moving /songs/ to an external Linode installation
TaskHi Germinal, I've been thinking of moving our /songs/ folder to a Linode installation that is also the media directory for our radio stations. I've looked at the documentation but can't find a clear way to do this. I'm not particularly familiar ... -
Does it make a new folder or just go in SONGS folder?
IssueI want to purchase the Full version of MC but i have a question. From the front end: Larry logs in and creates an album called LARRY and uploads a new song. Brian logs in and creates an album called BRIAN and uploads a new song. Does MC make ... -
Error on mod_muscol search bar
IssueHello We are getting error on mus module Too few arguments to function MusColHelper::searchalbums_form_content(), 1 passed in /modules/mod_muscol_search_bars/tmpl/default.php on line 4 and at least 2 expected Please help Thanks... -
Getting fatal error
Hello, PFA I have Installed this ext. in joomla site and getting error. Please help Thanks...