Upgrade to Pro

I currently have "MC Standard", but would like to upgrade to "MC Pro" to get the - "Powered By" - removed. I failed to notice this difference during the original purchase. Is there an upgrade I can get?

Responses (5)
  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, March 25 2010, 06:24 PM - #Permalink
    there's not direclty, but if you make a DONATION of 10eur (that's the fastest and easiest way, both for you and us), we'll update your purchased item on "Your Orders" menu to be the PRO version, instead of standard

    if you have more questions just let me know
    all the best
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, March 25 2010, 06:29 PM - #Permalink
    Donation completed. Just let me know.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, March 25 2010, 06:31 PM - #Permalink
    wow :lol: that was fast

    well, I've been fast too : your order has already been updated. go to your orders to download pro version
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, March 25 2010, 06:44 PM - #Permalink
    I have made many adjustments under the "Standard" version, is there another way to upgrade to pro aside from reinstalling? Perhaps a file I can exchange with the pro version to remove the "Powered By" so I won't loose my alterations?

    Would this work? .... [...]

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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, March 25 2010, 06:49 PM - #Permalink
    yes, it will.
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