
If I'm not mistaken, products seemed to be saved automatically in the previous version of Invoice Manager (2.1.1?) every time the invoice or quote was saved. It seems to me that is no longer the case in 2.1.2. We're back at adding the products manually before we can add them in an invoice or quote.

This was one of the features most of my clients enjoyed a great deal.

Any reason why this feature was cancelled? Can this be activated again somehow?

Accepted Answer

Friday, February 10 2017, 08:08 AM - #Permalink

This was never in Invoice Manager. I think you're confused..!

You must be confusing it with some other extension...
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Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, February 10 2017, 08:19 AM - #Permalink
    Must be because it's friday... (actually doesn't mean this kind of thing doesn't happen to me on any other day :p )

    Sorry to have bothered you. Thank you for the quick response.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, February 10 2017, 08:28 AM - #Permalink
    :D no problem!
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