I just updated to the latest version to fix an error with invoices not being emailed. The update fixed that problem, but now all the previous invoices are marked "Not Sent" even though they were and are paid.

Is there a way to mass change these to be "Sent?"

It's not a critical issue, but I know my customers are going to bring it up.

Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, August 16 2016, 09:01 AM - #Permalink

    this is simply because the "sent" information was not recorded in older versions, so when you install the new version, everything is set to "not sent", even if you had sent it before, as it is logical...

    if you want to mass change to sent, just do it on the DB, in the field "sent" (must be set to 1), in the DB table __invoices_invoices
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