Hi.. I translated the en gb ini language file of CP but still i see some terms in english like "title" shown twice when you add a new event on calendar on front end. Also i see the date format like YYYY MM DD but i wish set it as DD MM YYYY. It would be useful have this settings on backend of component like hour format. How can i change this format?
Also how can i get Google API KEY?
For the last i would like if you add a small description on the "EVERY" fields on event form creation just to understand that user have to write days, minutes....
Also how can i get Google API KEY?
For the last i would like if you add a small description on the "EVERY" fields on event form creation just to understand that user have to write days, minutes....
Responses (6)
Accepted Answer
0Waiting your replies i share to you other suggestions about CP.
1) move "create calendar" rule, "create event" on permissions so to use Joomla ACL feature and allow or deny that according user group.
2) please two rules: "create public event and "create private event" on the permissions.
What do you think?
Best regards -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0you can get an API key here: https://console.developers.google.com/flows/enableapi?apiid=maps_backend&keyType=CLIENT_SIDE&reusekey=true&pli=1
but it's not necessary to make it work, the key is optional.
The date format for input fields cannot be changed at the moment, english format will be used. This is something we will modify in a future version. -
Accepted Answer
0Hi, do you have any news about this issue? Did you fix or check?
Another thing please: in the 3 fields near "every" on event creation form, user must indicate from the left year, month and day?
And he must check the field "repeat" before fill in the above fields? If it is so it is better active the above fields only after user check the "repeat" field.
Best regards-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoyes check your email. about the "every", if there is no content in the fields, the names "month" "year" "day" should appear...
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