Multilanguage translation in Affiliate Tracker basic texts
IssueHello! Please advise me how to make translation in Affiliate Tracker basic texts for multilanguage site. Thank you ... -
Affiliate Tracker Community Builder integration?
Is there a CB plugin for Affiliate Tracker that allows for the display or management of Affiliate Tracker user data on a user's own CB profile? Secondly, with users registering using CB registration, will Affiliate Tracker still be able to create... -
When will Calendar Planner be Joomla 4 compatible ?
IssueHi there, When will Calendar Planner be Joomla 4 compatible ? Regards Markus... -
The collapsible menu and more...
Hi The layout of the collapsible mobilmenu in CP is broken and does not look good at all. Its even looks wrong on your own demo site as well. I have tried to install CP in more templates but the menu looks the same. If a user dobbelclick in the ... -
Set access to Public only
IssueDear Team, I recently got the calendar component and I must say its quite amazing, Just had a couple of questions : 1. While the users create a new event from the front end I want only public events to be created by default 2. I want to chang... -
Support or not support...
... And more features... Outstanding technical support from our team During the past week or two I have asked your more questions in this forum that is still not answered... I cannot see that this is Outstanding... -
Autofill forms with info from users account
TaskHi, I have asked more questions that is never answered here in this forum. What is your responsetime for questions?` Is it possible for you to make the form able to do a autofill for the title and description fields, when a user createa new boo... -
Joomla Protostar menu issue with Calendar Planner
Hi I have a strange issue with the sandwich menu when using Calendar Planner only. I have a live site running and have this annoying issue with the collapsible Joomla menu. To test if I had done something wrong on this site, I installed a clean Jo... -
Google MAPA API fails
IssueI have tried eveything I can to set the API up in our google accont, I have got an API ID copied it to joomla but it will not work and I got erros. On the internet, people says that google recently has changed something in order to set it up / Codes.... -
Set Public calendar as default
Is it possible to set the Public calendar as default or even better get rid of the private section. We don't need a private calendar in this case.... -
Auto incert username
Hi again, The calendar is used for Rehearsel room booking for bands. The bands logon Joomla with their bandname and password, and the Calendar is only available for loged in users. In the Calendar Form Field Title inputbox we want them to type... -
Private / public
Is it possible to bypass the private part og the calendar so the users are forced to create public events only? For us is it important because the calendar is used for booking rehearsal rooms only. Best regards Martin... -
Template CSS issues
Hi I have tried two different templates now and both of them breaks the layout of this component. They are both from Rockettheme. When I install the calendar planner on a plain joomla installation using Beeze3 as the template your component looks... -
Screen turns black when clicking on New Even or in the calendar it self to create an evnet
Hi, I have Just installed the calendar plannet as I purchased in 2017, on my Joomla 3.10.9, but as the screen turns black when clicking on the New Even button or in the calendar it self to create a new evnet, I thought is was because I used an old... -
I have been trying to speak with someone from your home for several weeks. I imagine you must have a lot of work.
Hello, I have been trying to speak with someone from your home for several weeks. I imagine you must have a lot of work. I am considering using your calendar component for a project, but I have a few questions. It is possible to choose the... -
Change Tracking Link ID - User
Hello, after updating Joomla unfortunately all users where deleted. So i had to create the user list again. I made a mistake in orde rof user list. So now i looking for a possibility to change the ID (last number) on the user tracking link ID. ... -
Virtuemart and multilingual products
TaskHello before buying Affiliate tracker I need to know few things: I am gonna have virtuemart multilingual shop (6 languages) and will Affiliate tracker be able when user selects his/her language to see only products for that specific language? Als... -
problem with google maps
Hello The maps are in the frontend ok but in the backend there is always an error coming when entering the address although I have entered a valid api key. See att.... -
Problème avec les évènements récurrents - Joomla 3.8.11
IssueBonjour, Je rencontre un problème quand je créer un événement avec une répétition, j'ai cette erreur : "Too few arguments to function EventsModelEvent::create_recurring_instances(), 2 passed in /home/lasallecam/www/administrator/components/c... -
EasySocial integration
Hello dear support, I would like to expand my website with affiliate tracker and I need to know does it provide easysocial integration and if yes how. If no will you support it? Thank you!... -
Emails to user not going out?
IssueHello, I am testing the email features and I have some issues. At first the email to admin for new account registration was not going out, then I noticed that the from name and from email fields where empty in AffiliateTracker options, I filled the... -
Event with repeats - calender planner - Joomla 3.9.6
IssueWhen setting up an weekly recurring event, Joomla errors with error message "Too few arguments to function EventsModelEvent::create_recurring_instances(), 2 passed in /var/www/web54/htdocs/joomla/administrator/components/com_calendarplanner/models/ev... -
Events Modal not opening on click
IssueHello, I am using the calendar planner, and I have a problem where the events on the calendar does not open on click, it just shows the background of the modal but that´s all. If I click on the full screen button, then the events work perfectly ... -
Just bought the planner
Hello, I just bought the planner and paid with paypal, but I am not seeing the download. The paypal transaction ID was 85R42982VY340930E Thanks in advance for your help, Rosario... -
Show events from only 1 category
TaskHi, Is this possible to show events from only 1 category ? I've tried to get only events from category (with category_id) in the URL but it doesn't work index.php?option=com_calendarplanner&task=get_events&type=month&start_day=2018... -
Wrong time in item detail popover (+1 hour)
BugHi, I'm having same issue as other people have had before me. The time in the details popover is wrong time. There is one hour added somehow. Please advise!... -
HELP - User Events?
IssueI have been seeking a way to manage my user's schedules on my Joomla website. I thought I had found the answer with Calendar Planner that says on the website -> Access restrictions- Every user can create private events (only for them to see), or ... -
Several Bugs in my installation of Calendar Planner
BugHi, I have installed Calendar Planner and am having several issues. 1. I am using a Gantry 5 template and has broken the CSS...is there a way to correct this? 2. When creating an event, the time is still showing in 24 hour format even though I ... -
Is there a way to make an event an all day event?
TaskIs there a way to make an event an All Day Event, rather than having to select a begin and end time? Thanks, Sondra Boone... -
Calendar Description formatting
IssueHi there, I am wondering how to add HTML or formatting to the description field in the events. It seems to display correctly on the backend, but the front end is just a block of text. Thank you!...