Graphic statistics, analytics and reports for JoomGallery
Content Statistics provides integration to record and display statistics and rankings for JoomGallery component, the top used image gallery manager, and one of the most used extensions for Joomla!
Content Statistics for Joomla works perfectly integrated with JoomGallery, offering you the possibility to display all kind of data and make all sort of reports of your DOCman image views and downloads statistics. Make graphics of the popularity of your JoomGallery images, categories, number of downloads, votes, comments and more. Show rankings of your JoomGallery images in any imaginable period of time, see what's hot on your site.
Content Statistics for JoomGallery goes beyond the simple "number of downloads" feature, which is a total count and does not tell you the evolution of your items. With this plugin, you can extend this functionality by adding the "time" variable: how many users downloaded this image in last hour? and in last day? and in the month of October? which are the top images by a specific autor? what are the most visualized image pages? what are the most downlaoded images inside the current category and its children categories within the last 2 weeks? How did this image popularity evolved last week?
With Statistics and Rankings for JoomGallery, the possibilities are endless. There are so many options that you won't find a thing you can't show... and yet is so simple to use and configure. You don't need any developer skills or even be very familiar with Joomla, Content Statistics is incredible easy to use. You can now make as many reports as you want, and make them very specific or just global to see a big picture of what users watch and read in your JoomGallery site.
Complete user activity log reports for admins in the backend for JoomGallery
With our Extended version you will be able to have a detailed full activity stream for JoomGallery to know exactly everything that your users are doing. How did what, and when? What images did John Smith view last month? how many times? With the full activity log reports you can see all the user activity stream for JoomGallery and have partial or full time count reports. You can filter results by date range, component, type of action, specific item, specific user.
Popularity Rankings for JoomGallery
This plugin extends the functionality of the Rankings Module to allow you to make rankings on your JoomGallery documents.
Make rankings of:
- Top viewed images
- Top downloaded images
- Top viewed categories
- Top voted images
- Top commented images
Combine the list above with any of the possible filters:
- Current category images
- Current category (and its children categories) images
- Current creator images
- Specific category images
- Specific category (and its children categories) images
- Specific creator images
- All category/image/autor (equivalent to no filter)
Additionally, optionaly filter by user options:
- Current vieweing user (actions done only by that user)
- Specific user (actions done only by that user)
And, of course, combine the two lists above selecting your desired timeframe, in the "relative time" mode:
- Last hour
- Last 6 hours
- Last 12 hours
- Last day
- Last 3 days
- Last 5 days
- Last week
- Last 2 weeks
- Last month
- Last 6 months
- Last year
- All time
Or in the "absolute time" mode:
- Today
- Yesterday
- This week
- Last week
- This month
- Last month
- This year
- Last year
As you can see, the possibilities to make Rankings for JoomGallery documents and itemlists are infinite.
Ranking examples for JoomGallery using Content Statistics
Item evolution reports for JoomGallery
This plugin extends the functionality of the Item Evolution Module to allow you to show the evolution of your JoomGallery documents.
Show evolution of:
- Image views
- Image downloads
- Category views
- Image votes
- Image comments
Combine the list above with any of the possible filters:
- Current category/image being shown
- Current category to which current image belongs
- Current category (and its children categories) to which current image belongs
- Current creator to which current image belongs
- Specific image
- Specific category to which current image belongs
- Specific category (and its children categories) to which current image belongs
- All category/image/autor (equivalent to no filter)
Additionally, optionaly filter by user options:
- Current viewing user (actions done only by that user)
- Specific user (actions done only by that user)
And, of course, combine the two lists above selecting your desired timeframe, to complete the chart's x-axis to show the items evolution:
- Last X days (define the number of days you want to consider)
- Last X months (define the number of months you want to consider)
Once more, the possibilities to make item evolution charts for JoomGallery images and categories are endless.
Item Evolution examples for JoomGallery using Content Statistics
{{ col.label }} | |
{{ row }} | {{[rowindex] | cs_format(col.before, col.after, col.decimals) }} |
{{ chart.rowTotal(index) | cs_format(col.before, col.after, col.decimals) }} |
You can use all our graphic options to make graphics, for instance column charts:
{{ col.label }} | |
{{ row }} | {{[rowindex] | cs_format(col.before, col.after, col.decimals) }} |
{{ chart.rowTotal(index) | cs_format(col.before, col.after, col.decimals) }} |
Visitor maps for JoomGallery
Know where your JoomGallery visitors come from and draw beautiful maps to see where your content is more accessed from