I have problems with page titles of artist/albums/songs. Sef urls work fine.
I'm using
- Jommla 1.5.17
- Sh404sef 1.0.20 Beta - build 237
- Music collection 2.0.0
Let me explain the problem with an example
Artist: Michael Jackson
Album: Got to Be There
Song: Ain't No Sunshine
Artist page title (now): michael-jackson | m | discography
I want it to be: Michael Jackson | M | Discography
Album page title (now): got-to-be-there | michael-jackson | m | diskografi
I want it to be: Got To Be There | Michael Jackson | M | Discography
Song page title (now):aint-no-sunshine | got-to-be-there | michael-jackson | m | diskografi
I want it to be: Aint No Sunshine | Got To Be There | Michael Jackson | M | Discography
Could you please someone write the codes that i should replace with the ones in view.html.php in site/views?
I have problems with page titles of artist/albums/songs. Sef urls work fine.
I'm using
- Jommla 1.5.17
- Sh404sef 1.0.20 Beta - build 237
- Music collection 2.0.0
Let me explain the problem with an example
Artist: Michael Jackson
Album: Got to Be There
Song: Ain't No Sunshine
Artist page title (now): michael-jackson | m | discography
I want it to be: Michael Jackson | M | Discography
Album page title (now): got-to-be-there | michael-jackson | m | diskografi
I want it to be: Got To Be There | Michael Jackson | M | Discography
Song page title (now):aint-no-sunshine | got-to-be-there | michael-jackson | m | diskografi
I want it to be: Aint No Sunshine | Got To Be There | Michael Jackson | M | Discography
Could you please someone write the codes that i should replace with the ones in view.html.php in site/views?
Responses (6)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Ravenscar wrote:
spaces in urls are impossible! Search engines handle - as spaces.
I want to remove the letter /M/ entirely from urls, hope that's possible too.
btw I'm using AceSEF and it works much better
Thanks for your post!
Sef urls work fine as i wrote. All i want is to remove hyphens in page titles & to start every word in page titles with a capital letter. -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Ravenscar wrote:
Yes, hyphens are url spaces, some sites use + instead of - too.
Capitalizing must be possible, I would like to know how to do this too
I think both are possible. I have some other components working in the way as i want with page titles.
I hope Germi has some time to help us on this. It's very important for SEO -
Accepted Answer
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