I've installed the JMS sh404sef extension as documented.
I installed and configured sh404sef in .htaccess mode (I use this currently on many sites).
I enabled sef in Joomla and in sh404sef administrator.
It creates sef urls just fine except for any of the MC pages.
They just show the pre-sef url as usual.
I installed and configured sh404sef in .htaccess mode (I use this currently on many sites).
I enabled sef in Joomla and in sh404sef administrator.
It creates sef urls just fine except for any of the MC pages.
They just show the pre-sef url as usual.
Responses (17)
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How does 'but some pages don't work with SEF' constitute working?
Regardless of the technical justification for not providing SEF for the query pages, this is a deficiency (perceived or not), with MC that will set my client into a rage. They will not understand/appreciate that it is considered acceptable for a major section of their website's functionality to not support SEF. They just will not accept this.
Is there another SEF component that will provide full sef support within MC?
This will absolutely kill me and have me enduring for the rest of the project listening to my client labeling what an absolute nightmare MC was.
I hope there is some way around this.
John -
Accepted Answer
IN MOST OF THE CASES, sef is disabled for SEARCH pages (on a lot of component) to avoid creating hundreds (thousands) of new urls (one for each search performed by a user!!)
do you know what I mean
if you WANT to have it sef anyways, there's some mods you can make on the sef extension file, but its not very recommended...
page with SEF:
pages wihtout sef:
search results -
Accepted Answer
0I understand your statement about the multiple generated urls for each historic search by users.
It seems like an appropriate approach would be (rather than to just turn off sef creation for the search page), to create a single sef url, but then the purely search parameters (not the main parameters like view, etc), would be appended as parameters to the sef string. This way the url would appear like a conventional static url that had some search parameters at the end.
Is this possible with modification of the extension? If so, how?
John -
Accepted Answer
0ok, this makes more sense
something like..
on the sef extension file for MC,
about line 286 add
case "search":
$title[] = $titol_menu;
this should, at least, put the MENU NAME on the URL
try this as the first approximation... -
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0Using your good point about the creation of numerous urls for each possible query, I was distinguishing between SQL query parameters and parameters that were 'Joomla' parameters. Where the varying Joomla parameters would produce an acceptable number of unique SEF urls with the SQL Query parameters simply appended as parameters.
ie. the url:
I would think search=albums, view=search could be seffed, as they would not create many unique sef urls.
Where, the sql query parameters: format_id=, genre_id=1, searchword=, tag_id=, type_id= would remain non-seffed parameters, as if these were seffed, it could potentially create 100s of unique sef urls.
John -
Accepted Answer
0you're quite right. these two params can be skipped. try this instead of the first version of hte revision of the plugin:
case "search":
$title[] = $titol_menu;
if($search == "albums") $title[] = JText::_('albums');
if($search == "songs") $title[] = JText::_('songs');
does it improve the search the way you want? -
Accepted Answer
0That seemed to work rather well.
I added a remove statement for 'layout' as well.
As soon as I cleared the effected urls from sh404sef, the correct ones were remade and the front-end seems to be fine: It defaults to no arguments and when you do a query the correct arguments are appended.
John -
Accepted Answer
0jakorsme wrote:
That seemed to work rather well.
I added a remove statement for 'layout' as well.
As soon as I cleared the effected urls from sh404sef, the correct ones were remade and the front-end seems to be fine: It defaults to no arguments and when you do a query the correct arguments are appended.
Hi John,
Could you please tell me how you get page titles like "Pop and Urban - KPM Music"? All i have something like pop-and-urban | kpm-music
I had started a thread at http://www.joomlamusicsolutions.com/en/forum/version-2/sh404sef-page-titles.html
Please write the code you use for page titles.
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