It is absolutely critical for my site that my users are able to search for songs via keywords.
I know it is possible to add keywords to the album data but I need to also add them to individual track. For, example I have a song called 'The Chase'. I need my members to be able to find that song if they search for keywords such as 'dramatic' or 'tension'.
The only workaround I can find is to add the keywords to the song title but that is not practical (my songwriters don't want me changing their song titles) and this problem is really messing up an otherwise excellent site.
Have I missed something or is there a way this feature can be added? I could even live with the lyrics being searchable.
I really need help with this quite urgently.
Thanks in advance.
It is absolutely critical for my site that my users are able to search for songs via keywords.
I know it is possible to add keywords to the album data but I need to also add them to individual track. For, example I have a song called 'The Chase'. I need my members to be able to find that song if they search for keywords such as 'dramatic' or 'tension'.
The only workaround I can find is to add the keywords to the song title but that is not practical (my songwriters don't want me changing their song titles) and this problem is really messing up an otherwise excellent site.
Have I missed something or is there a way this feature can be added? I could even live with the lyrics being searchable.
I really need help with this quite urgently.
Thanks in advance.
Responses (2)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
this is not possible out of the box, sorry.
for this, you need some little custom work (you need a new field for keywords, and also the search system to look into this new field...)
audiomotionmore than a month agoI also want to know the cost. I want the songs to have keywords so it can be searched.
Any idea for the cost?
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