Hi Germi,
Firstly, excellent component!!! Love it - well done on a great piece of software.
I've been using music collection for some time now and was over the moon to see stats integration. I have upgraded to 2.1 since stats were released and have updated my template to reflect the new module positions. I am however having great difficulty in getting the individual or 'evolution in time' stats to work.
I have setup a module to appear in the muscol_artist_stats position (demonstrated in the attached picture) however, I can't seem to get anything to display there.
I have set it to:
criteria: songs belonging to artist views
selector: current Artist/Album....
ID: (blank)
filter user: (blank)
period: last 2 days
show 1 datapoint on x axis
label format: Sun
chart type: tried both but neither works
I had similar issues with the other stats module however, upgrading the jwplayer and module fixed this after reading it in another forum post.
Also, just to confirm - I am not using mootols 1.2 upgrade.
Please help...? I'm desperate to get this working
Thanks in advance,
Gez (LearnThruSong)
Firstly, excellent component!!! Love it - well done on a great piece of software.
I've been using music collection for some time now and was over the moon to see stats integration. I have upgraded to 2.1 since stats were released and have updated my template to reflect the new module positions. I am however having great difficulty in getting the individual or 'evolution in time' stats to work.
I have setup a module to appear in the muscol_artist_stats position (demonstrated in the attached picture) however, I can't seem to get anything to display there.
I have set it to:
criteria: songs belonging to artist views
selector: current Artist/Album....
ID: (blank)
filter user: (blank)
period: last 2 days
show 1 datapoint on x axis
label format: Sun
chart type: tried both but neither works
I had similar issues with the other stats module however, upgrading the jwplayer and module fixed this after reading it in another forum post.
Also, just to confirm - I am not using mootols 1.2 upgrade.
Please help...? I'm desperate to get this working
Thanks in advance,
Gez (LearnThruSong)
Responses (8)
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Accepted Answer
0Hi Germi,
Thanks for your response...
I have reporting on all songs, albums, playlists and artists etc.
[hide]here's a link: LearnThruSong artist page[/hide]
You will need to login to the site to access at the moment as I have it offline due to the update. Can you send me your email so I can create you an account or could we schedule a skype call where I could share my screen with you or something?
One thing that maybe noteworthy is that I don't use the Default ItemID to 'keep links outside music collection properly formed' as I have never really understood this and don't think that I need it.
Let me explain: I am using sh404sef to rewrite urls as I want them by adapting the sef_ext for muscol and I'm not sure whether or not it takes the ItemID as a parameter and stores in a variable. Therefore I'm not quite sure what beneficial effect this would have as I have different modules on every different music collection view. For example, I have some docman categories that show up on different albums/artists and so on. Therefore I believe that it should be necessary, right?
Sorry to go slightly off-thread but, I forgot to put 1 small thing in original my post...
Facebook Like/Dislike only shows up when music collection links are selected but not when add this is used.
Best wishes,
Gez -
Accepted Answer
you can send me access data to joomlamusicsolutions@gmail.com
about the Default ITEMID: it should be the ID of the MENU ITEM that initially points to music collection. let me explain:
you enter music collection through a menu item, right? this is your starter point. well, this menu item has an ID. well, this is the number you should put in this paramter.
do you know what I mean? -
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