I cant seem to figure this out. I looked at the documentation but it just says to make sure i setup the OPTIONS area before doing anything else
after UPGRADING my MC. Im in the backend and setting things up but when i click "REQUEST DISCOGS API ACCESS" i get forwarded to Discogs, to authorize the token access.
Then when the process is done im directed back to my site backend and the button still says the same
wheres the key?
after UPGRADING my MC. Im in the backend and setting things up but when i click "REQUEST DISCOGS API ACCESS" i get forwarded to Discogs, to authorize the token access.
Then when the process is done im directed back to my site backend and the button still says the same
wheres the key?
Responses (12)
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Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0I'm having a similar problem helping a friend. We get the message from discogs
No OAuth token parameter found! Please send your OAuth token as a request parameter.
when clicking on the Request Discogs API key button.
Nothing appears in the Discogs tab as described above. What are we doing wrong please?
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoyou need to log in with a verified account in order to get technical support. Thanks!
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0what do you mean "how many hoops"?
"digby" is not a verified account. You just registered today, and there's no purchase under this account
"verified account" means "the account that was used to purchase the software". "digby" is not the account you used to purchase.
Please, log in with the account you used to purchase the extension
Many thanks. -
Accepted Answer
0Hello, Is your first language English? sorry, if not, maybe I should look for a translation service. Our question was:
I'm having a similar problem helping a friend. We get the message from discogs
No OAuth token parameter found! Please send your OAuth token as a request parameter.
when clicking on the Request Discogs API key button.
Nothing appears in the Discogs tab as described above. What are we doing wrong please?
I am trying to help as technical support. Maybe you can do the same? -
Accepted Answer
I understand English perfectly, thanks.
I understand your question fine. You are asking for technical support. To receive technical support, you have to be a verified customer in our website. Please check our Terms of Service. It's pretty simple... only verified users can receive technical support.
To answer your question about the Discogs API key, I would need to look into it, see that everything is correctly set in your site, check if there is any error, etc. In other words, I would have to give you technical support. And back to square one... you need a verified account to get technical support.
I'm not allowed to offer technical support to unverified users. (Just like in any other site you will find).
Please, just log in with the actual account that was used to purchase the sofware. If you're working for somebody else, just ask this person for his login account for joomlathat.com and use that account to log in. This way you will be a "verified user" and we will be able to offer you technical support to try to solve the issue you're describing.
Many thanks. -
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