Artist Albums > 0 Yet Songs = 0

On the Music Collection Page I selected the letter 'V'. In the list of artists and associated albums (which BTW is great) I noticed a number of them have an album listed but the song count is 0.

For example Vincente Amigo has 3 Albums shown but 0 songs. If I select an album, the album view definitely shows songs.

Just wondering why is this?

PS Getting ready to install 2.0! Great Job!

Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, February 17 2010, 02:30 PM - #Permalink
    dont worry about that: that's just because when I first uploaded theese songs (Im talking a loong time ago) there was no field for artist on song, so its not associated to it.

    this does not happen on 2.0

    actually, it does not happen on 1.5 either.

    is just that my site is much older than yours ;) I'm the only man alive who actually runned Music Collection 0.5, that's why some artists seem to have no songs.

    anyway, thanks for noticing that, I'll try to update my database to behave correctly

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