any updates on this patch that supposedly will fix the SEF issue on joomla.

Responses (21)
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I thiknk I have a good new for you: I have a first version of the patch readyI tested it and seems to work fine.
hope it solves your problems. download here:
you must copy the router.php file into /components/com_muscol/ -
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0yes sir, check it out:
http://www.marocbiladi.com/musique/1/53-3an9oud-la3jeb/53-3an9oud-la3jeb.html -
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0so, the problem with the letter bar was already there!.....
to solve this letter bar thing you have to modify your CSS files of your template.
besides of that, the sef plugin WORKS, and lets you play your files, wich is exactly the problem you had.
you have changed the template or something, right? I mean, this worked before! -
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0ok I think I know what is going on.
the files for MC (css, js, etc) are not loaded when sef on because an initial "/" is missing when the webpage tries to load them (see source code)
I can tell you a manual way to solve this, but will take you a while
this is a very strange behavior. this does not happens on my site or any other I've seen... I dont know why it happens in yours...
to solve the player not showing:
go to file /plugins/muscolplayers/jwplayer.php
and at the end of the file you'll find this:
you have to add the initial "/", so it has to look like
$document->addScript('/plugins/muscolplayers/jwplayer/playlist_functions.js'); -
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0now the player is up. the layout is kinda funky, take alook here:
http://www.marocbiladi.com/component/muscol/c/5-cheb-khaled--/4-kenza.html -
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0well, this requires more work. I'll tell you one as an example, you do the rest
on the /components/com_muscol/views/ folder there are many folders, one for each view.
inside each folder, there's a view.html.php
you have to open these files and and search for these:
(and others) NOT all the files will have this css linked to them, of course, only some. this is just an example
and then just do the same you did on the other file: add an initial "/" to each one. so it looks like
please dont mess with code you dont understand!! -
Accepted Answer
0ok I made the changes to the addStyleSheet for 8 folders(album,artist,artists,playlist,playlists,search,song,songs), the layout looks fine now,but the PLAYER DOESNT PLAY
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