I want to make the images little bigger, Please look at the attached image for more details.
I want to make the images little bigger, Please look at the attached image for more details.

Responses (10)
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0I've got the same problem, when it's set on dynamic all thumbs on front and back are gone, only alt tags remain.
When I upload new albums it generates small thumbs instead of large images. MC ignores parameters. I don't want to make thumbs manually. :angry:
Maybe it's a conflict with another component? I also use JomSocial and Mosets Tree.
Another thing, I want to upload large covers 600x600 and show small cover 300x300 on the album page. When album is clicked it opens 600p in a lightbox with the name of the artist.
Is this even possible? :dry:
Yeah, I like big images! :P -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0This is my first tread, so I want to say this is one the the best extensions I have ever seen or used! Love it!
I have a similar issue. I set thumbnail parameter to Dynamic, and all sizes to 170... but the images on the front end remain small (60X60). I checked the generated images in "artists" folder and they are as big as they should be (170X170). please help.
Thanks for your support. -
Accepted Answer
0I'm really happy to hear this, thanks for your support guest4fish
Probably your MENU ITEM paramters are overriding MC general parameters. you should adjust thumbnail's size ALSO on the Menu Item that is used as MC's landing page.
You know What I mean? on the right you'll find "component paramters", wich are all the same than the general, and probably there you'll still find the old (small pictures) size
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