My suggestions
- add a section for the label with the possibility of including a logo, a description and a link to the label so that you can sort the records in this way.
- in the artist page, in the label page, add the possibility to add LINK to official website, social network...
- in album review possibility to select multiple music genre.
- in artist page and label page add the possibility to select multiple music genre.
- in label page, artist page and album page change the Country field in a pulldown menu.
- in the review form add the possibility of creating the artist and the label directly without changing page (only the name, the rest will be inserted later)
- import the song list from discogs or other free service (I already know that this is under development)
- in the module options select which types of data display (price, year ...)
- add opportunity to highlight in a simple way one or more review (Focus)
- add frontend for review, band and label (for normal user)
- add integration for the artist with a image gallery module.
for the moment I think of them.
- add a section for the label with the possibility of including a logo, a description and a link to the label so that you can sort the records in this way.
- in the artist page, in the label page, add the possibility to add LINK to official website, social network...
- in album review possibility to select multiple music genre.
- in artist page and label page add the possibility to select multiple music genre.
- in label page, artist page and album page change the Country field in a pulldown menu.
- in the review form add the possibility of creating the artist and the label directly without changing page (only the name, the rest will be inserted later)
- import the song list from discogs or other free service (I already know that this is under development)
- in the module options select which types of data display (price, year ...)
- add opportunity to highlight in a simple way one or more review (Focus)
- add frontend for review, band and label (for normal user)
- add integration for the artist with a image gallery module.
for the moment I think of them.
Responses (6)
Accepted Answer
I think these suggestions are well-thought out and I do favour these idea. I hope these can be implemented in future releases. It there 's anything we as user could to contribute please let us now.
-Implementing more and more releases on my side I would favour a possibility to display records/bands according to label and/or genre.
-option to display re-releases and or limited edtions of an album (in hidden form or as a link) -
Accepted Answer
0me too... I used to use Mbox and I hacked it enough to where it was sort of working on joomla 1.5 in legacy mode... only sort of working because everything was working except for song listing and actually playing.
what i liked was the linking with articles/content. Label info could be entered and could be selected from a pull down list.
Multiple Music Genre would be awesome... I keep making new things that say rock/goth/EBM or rock/goth/metal and it's weird because they might only vary by one genre... so the list grows lol
the price module as urban suggested would be grand, because some CD's are import so the price might be in Euro or Yen or Dollar.
I love the component already and plan on using it forever as long as Germi is updating/upgrading it... I'll post more suggestions too as i find more. -
Accepted Answer
This is my contribute for music genre, an organized list of 426 music genre, with subgenres.
Have fun with this file [file name=jos_muscol_genres.zip size=4458]http://www.joomlamusicsolutions.com/images/fbfiles/files/jos_muscol_genres.zip[/file] -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0I really want to buy this component, but at the moment I see a lot of flaws. MC could be so much better. At the moment it can't compete with last.fm or amazon, but if MC would focus on quality content, layout and editing it would be unbeatable.
I've got my own list of changes, but I agree with the following:
- import the song list from discogs or other free service (I already know that this is under development)
Helium uses this to scrape info and it's superb! Helium can scrape track lists, artist descriptions, lyrics and pictures. MC would need last.fm too, good API available for that.
- in the module options select which types of data display (price, year ...)
Indeed, I've turned off album details, because of all the not so important info like price, date, edition etc.
- add frontend for review, band and label (for normal user)
I would rather see a good working backend. With better filter and search options. Song editor is confusing too. An A-Z tabs menu would be nice in backend too, but filter is better.
- add integration for the artist with a image gallery module.
like last.fm?!?
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