1) With my site of lyrics, the lyrics are more important than the music. So I want it to be possible to listen to a song only in the lyrics page.
How to do ?
2) How to make a link displaying only a list of song titles and groups (Only display. To listen, the visitor will have to click on a title and go to the page with the lyrics).
How to do ?
Thank you
1) With my site of lyrics, the lyrics are more important than the music. So I want it to be possible to listen to a song only in the lyrics page.
How to do ?
2) How to make a link displaying only a list of song titles and groups (Only display. To listen, the visitor will have to click on a title and go to the page with the lyrics).
How to do ?
Thank you
Responses (9)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
01 - I wish that the visitor can not listen to a song from the modules (song, album ...).
I want the visitor to click on the title of a song and be redirected to the page with the lyrics of that song.
Like : http://www.lyricsfreak.com/ -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0I only wish to display with a column "Song". Without the "Lyrics" column as in the example http://www.lyricsfreak.com/.
And even that is not possible? -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0you can use the song module, no problem, but its layout is different. It is presented with the album's image, the play button, etc...
as mentioned, if what you want is to remove the play button (but mantain it in the song page itself), you need a bit of coding on this module's layout presentation. -
Accepted Answer
0J'ai modifié le fichier "template_song.php" et j'ai mis en commentaires "le player". J'ai donc otenu le résultat souhaité.
Pour mes autres questions, quels fichiers modifiés pour apporter des réponses à mes autres questions :
1) How to display 2 modules in two columns?
The question was posed here for Joomla 1.5 : http://www.joomlathat.com/support/music-collection/music-collection-extensions/2-columns-for-top-rated-and-recently-added-module
If it is the same solution to apply, what is the name of the CSS file to modify?
2) How to display the contents of a module on 2 columns (Example: Module "Songs" with 10 songs, but which displays 5 per column)
3) Is it possible to automatically send a link of each new song to the users via a Newsletter? If so, what extension to use? -
Accepted Answer
0hello kartha,
1- songs can only be displayed in one column in the new module layout (named "cards"), so the same solution does not apply.. because it's not the same module layout... do you know what I mean? if there was an easy CSS hack for this, I would tell you right away..
2- the only way would be for you to create a new layout (based on TABLES) and divide the songs in two groups and display them in 2 tables, 2 columns..
3- no, it's not, there's no integration with a Newsletter extension.
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