Responive Carasol named Himachali Rock Band between the tag cloud (Top viewed album & top viewed Artist) on front page is not behaving properly seems does not loads css properly when i minimizes the browser it maximizes the image size Please fix the issue and tell me why this is happening again and again

you can check yourself at http://musichimachal.com/
Responses (7)
  • Accepted Answer

    Joan Vilà
    Joan Vilà
    Monday, July 20 2015, 10:18 AM - #Permalink
    Hello Vikrant,

    I am using Chrome and it is working fine for me.
    Can you please take a screenshot of it to see what is happening?

    Tank you,
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, July 20 2015, 12:06 PM - #Permalink
    I have mailed screen shots to you
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, July 20 2015, 12:41 PM - #Permalink
    Hello Vikrant,

    I think you may be confused. We have checked it and it's working properly, as it should.

    It is a responsive module. When you look at a smaller device screen, the module re-adjusts its width to occupy the whole screen (or half of it, or a third.. depending on the parameters set)

    if you go to the module parameters, you will notice that you can specify "how many albums to show at a time" in every screen size.
    if you don't like the 1 album picture occupying the whole screen width, you can choose to display 2 albums instead.

    give it a try. it's working as it should! :)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, July 22 2015, 11:21 PM - #Permalink
    thats ok sir but i am having problem with my mega menu.............

    It should look like this when i go to Contact Us menu item

    But in my home page it looks like

    you can check yourself
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, July 24 2015, 11:17 AM - #Permalink
    can you check now?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, July 25 2015, 06:51 PM - #Permalink
    yes sir that work fine but download icon,add to playlist and play icon are not displaying nowplese fix that
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, July 27 2015, 05:36 PM - #Permalink
    Thanks Sir
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