I'm looking for an mp3 player for my Joomla site and this one so far looks the BEST! I'm very interested in it...
I was looking at the demo player on your site, however, and can't seem to get the player to keep playing if I try to drag the play bar to a different location in a song. Once I drag it, the song stops playing. Is it only possible to play a song from beginning to end and not jump to specific spots in the song? Or what am I missing on how to do it?!!
I was looking at the demo player on your site, however, and can't seem to get the player to keep playing if I try to drag the play bar to a different location in a song. Once I drag it, the song stops playing. Is it only possible to play a song from beginning to end and not jump to specific spots in the song? Or what am I missing on how to do it?!!
Responses (4)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Ok, I bet you're right... I didn't realize the song was only 11 seconds since the counter says 5:54 on the one I was trying... How does the time (length) of the song get its info? Will I have to manually configure each song for this or will it pick it up automatically from the mp3 file's tags?
Lastly, one other question(!) - will I be able to simply upload all the songs I want in a playlist (album) into a folder and then tell the plugin to grab all those songs automatically? Or will each song have to be manually placed into the playlist?
Thanks so much!! -
Accepted Answer
1) you can enter the song length manually (then it will show up, like in the song you where playing). if you don't do it, then the length is not stored in the database, but there's no problem at all, because in this case JWplayer calculates the duration automatically.
2) mmm.. not really, but "sort of". you can ulpload a whole folder using FTP, and the use the "scan folder" functino to create an album using all the files contained in that folder.
do you know what I mean? like so: http://www.joomlamusicsolutions.com/en/features/folder-auto-scanning-in-music-collection-2-0.html
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