Album and Track Listing importer

I know there is a feature that can take information from discogs, but this doesn't really work well for my site so I have started creating something that can take album and track listings off certain sites on the internet and automatically add it to your site.

For example - I add a band such as Iron Maiden to my site, then rather than manually adding the different albums I can use the application to get the information for all the albums they have produced, including name, year, label, album cover etc. and tracks and automatically post it to my site.

Other features I am planning on adding including - adding lyrics to the tracks, posting these updates to your social media accounts and some link building functionality.

This isn't a joomla component or module, and when completed will run as a standalong application on your PC.

Is this something that would be useful and of interest to others?

Also are there any other features that you think would be useful?

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