Joomla 3.8.10
rockettheme Gantry 5 template
i have messed with all bootstrap options and jquery on MC component
Main Component page shows nothing but search bar and occasional "loading" with nothing every showing up
when i link from menu to artist it just says "loading" under songs/albums
never loads
same for comment box "loading"
Please advise what needs to be done. I have followed all procedures in install.
rockettheme Gantry 5 template
i have messed with all bootstrap options and jquery on MC component
Main Component page shows nothing but search bar and occasional "loading" with nothing every showing up
when i link from menu to artist it just says "loading" under songs/albums
never loads
same for comment box "loading"
Please advise what needs to be done. I have followed all procedures in install.
Responses (5)
Accepted Answer
have you followed the installation instructions? check specially the system plugin configuration: https://www.joomlathat.com/documentation/music-collection/installation -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0How was is fixed? I'm having same issue.
Is there something that was placed wrong? I even tried creating a whole new site and fresh install of joomla and music collection. I followed all the instructions line by line and all I'm getting is the search letters and a LOADING sign.
Can you share what was done in PM .. not the web info but the procedure to correct the issue?-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoSeveral things can cause this issue, what's weird is that you are getting is all the sudden and weren't getting it before...
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