The 3.x version there are no title and breadcrumbs in the pages playlists!!!
In version MC 2.x in /components/com_muscol/views/playlist/view.html.php (line about 92 and below)
$pathway->addItem(JText::_('PLAYLISTS'), 'index.php?option=com_muscol&view=playlists');
$pathway->addItem($playlist->title, 'index.php?option=com_muscol&view=playlist&id='.$playlist->id);
//creem el titol
$document->setTitle( JText::_('PLAYLISTS') ." - ". $playlist->title );
In version MC 3.x it is not.
I tried to edit the files by analogy with MC 2.x.
Breadcrumbs and Title appeared, but does not work variable $playlist->title, those It does not display the name of the playlist.
What could be the solution? Thank you in advance!
The 3.x version there are no title and breadcrumbs in the pages playlists!!!
In version MC 2.x in /components/com_muscol/views/playlist/view.html.php (line about 92 and below)
$pathway->addItem(JText::_('PLAYLISTS'), 'index.php?option=com_muscol&view=playlists');
$pathway->addItem($playlist->title, 'index.php?option=com_muscol&view=playlist&id='.$playlist->id);
//creem el titol
$document->setTitle( JText::_('PLAYLISTS') ." - ". $playlist->title );
In version MC 3.x it is not.
I tried to edit the files by analogy with MC 2.x.
Breadcrumbs and Title appeared, but does not work variable $playlist->title, those It does not display the name of the playlist.
What could be the solution? Thank you in advance!
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