hi i just bought this Music Collection Extensions for my 1.5 and how do i upload albums from my computer and if i use ftp program so where all albums and song which folder they go and how can i connect to them to my music the albums that i create in my site?? can u tell me step by step

Responses (39)
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0ya but where can i find song folder and i have to make each song name to work with it that u mean right
and i made a folder like (/public_html/components/com_muscol/libraries/Albums) i create album folder in libraries folder is that right or thats wrong can u tell me where can i find songs folder ?? -
Accepted Answer
0what? :lol: sorry I dont understand your english quite well...
if that's your question, you cannot "find" each folder:
if you upload songs by FTP, you have to know the name of the file
so, if you create a song, and the file is in the folder
then, asuming that the songs base folder is "/songs", then on the song filename field you have to WRITE
do you understand?
Germi -
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0you have to create a folder called /songs on the root of your site, and upload the songs by FTP there
i did create album
i did create songs the albums
but how do i type file name ?
and like u said create a song folder my question is that can i create a song folder at any where or it supposed to be in com_muscol
srry for my bad english -
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0I cant see your songs. look at your parameters, you have set to not show the songs to unregistered users
and, if I go here
I dont see any mp3 file, only RAR files... :S
where did you upload your mp3?? -
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0Hi sukh13. Looks like you are getting really lost with this so if i can help at all, i will explain how i upload my songs.
firstly dont upload RAR files or ZIP files to your songs folder, that wont work, you have to upload the actual MP3 files. This is what i do.
First go into your admin, and create a new Artist, (big green button that says NEW ). fill out the artist details, then press save. now you have to go into the albums part, and make a new album, fill in the details of the album, remembering to tie it in with the artist you have just made from the drop down menu in this section, also upload any album covers at this stage too. when you have done that press save again. Now go back into the album you have just made, and you will see a tab that says song, click on that, click on the button that says "add new song" now fill in the details, eg disk 1,song 1, name of the song, length of the song, now press save... Go back into the song you have just made and you will see some extra bits appear now, edit, lyrics,file, all will have a red X next to them because there is nothing there. press the edit icon, this will take you to a detailed page of the song, and its here you will see the file upload. press the browse button and locate your song MP3 file, select it, and then save, this will upload the file so give it time to upload, this will save the MP3 to your songs folder from which you can play it. repeat the process until you have uploaded all the songs for that album. New albums and song you just repeat the steps again.
this only does one song at a time but it is a good way to make sure all your paths are right and so on
hope that helps
Wingman -
Accepted Answer
0wingman wrote:
Hi sukh13. Looks like you are getting really lost with this so if i can help at all, i will explain how i upload my songs.
firstly dont upload RAR files or ZIP files to your songs folder, that wont work, you have to upload the actual MP3 files. This is what i do.
First go into your admin, and create a new Artist, (big green button that says NEW ). fill out the artist details, then press save. now you have to go into the albums part, and make a new album, fill in the details of the album, remembering to tie it in with the artist you have just made from the drop down menu in this section, also upload any album covers at this stage too. when you have done that press save again. Now go back into the album you have just made, and you will see a tab that says song, click on that, click on the button that says "add new song" now fill in the details, eg disk 1,song 1, name of the song, length of the song, now press save... Go back into the song you have just made and you will see some extra bits appear now, edit, lyrics,file, all will have a red X next to them because there is nothing there. press the edit icon, this will take you to a detailed page of the song, and its here you will see the file upload. press the browse button and locate your song MP3 file, select it, and then save, this will upload the file so give it time to upload, this will save the MP3 to your songs folder from which you can play it. repeat the process until you have uploaded all the songs for that album. New albums and song you just repeat the steps again.
this only does one song at a time but it is a good way to make sure all your paths are right and so on
hope that helps
i follow your every step and i dont knw what i did wrongbut song not playing. here is all image of your step that u told me to do
now please tel me what did i wrong
pic 1 -here i upload all my mp3 songs in my root server
[url=http://img14.imageshack.us/i/albumsqa.jpg/]pic2- i made my albums
[url=http://img11.imageshack.us/i/insideofalbums.jpg/]pic3- inside of albums
[url=http://img14.imageshack.us/i/songess.jpg/]pic4- here that i create song [/url][/url][/url] -
Accepted Answer
0just an idea: look at your filenames. they are in UPPERCASE but you wrote them on lowercase on your songs... write them in UPPERCASE
besides of that, I cannot check if the songs are playing because I can't see the player on your site because you have it setted to be shown only to registered users, and I'm not one
please go to Music COllection PARAMETERS on the backend, and check them all, specially the one called "show online player" wich is set to "only registered", and change it to "everybody" to make the player show up!!!!!!!!
also, I asume you installed the plugin JW Player (included in distribution) right???
Germi -
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0HI sukh,
well you seemed to do everything right, the songs are in your songs folder, im listening to one nowso if they still aren't playing then this is something to do with your player, as the files are there
Looking at your site, to me as a guest, it doesn't look like you have the plugin (plg_jwplayer_1.5.1) installed.
Wingman -
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0Hi sukh,
Glad you are sorting ittry going back into the album details and upload a picture to the front sleeve part, see if that gets rid of the file not found, if not then just have another look at the support section here on installation and make sure you have created all the folder you need, some folders need to go inside other ones
* albums
o thumbs_40
o thumbs_115
* artists
* album_extra
o album_name
o artist_name
* formats
* tags
wingman -
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0wingman wrote:
do i have to add those folder in my root server and in my media manager has those folder alreadyNo problem germi..
Sukh, your problems at mo seem to be with the folders thumbs_40 and thumbs_115 from what i can see. Just check to make sure that these two folders are inside the folder named albums.
wingman -
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0By the way, here's a tip for you to get your player to look right. Go into your module manager, find the JW song player, click on that, on the right side of the page you will see Module Parameters, just look down the list and you will see the player height, just under play list size, you got it set to 20 at the moment so its not showing your player properly, just alter that to 200, and your good to go.
Wingman -
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