For some reason grid view won't display on albums search. It just displays detailed view. I have the menu item changed to use grid view and the url is:
http://www.website[shortened for post].com/index.php?option=com_muscol&view=search&layout=grid&Itemid=101
I can change it to songs view and songs view displays correctly.
Just no grid view - always detailed view
http://www.website[shortened for post].com/index.php?option=com_muscol&view=search&layout=grid&Itemid=101
I can change it to songs view and songs view displays correctly.
Just no grid view - always detailed view
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0germi wrote:
here's a quick fix: on /models/search.php
line 36, you find this:
$this->setState('layout', 'detailed');
just replace it for
$this->setState('layout', 'grid');
that should to the trick...
Unfortunately, the client's requirement is that one search page has detailed view and one has grid view. So I really need it to work, as I've already signed off on this functionality.
John -
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0Germi, is it the same detailed view that's used with the content plugin? If so, I think I will redesign the detailed view, so it looks good everywhere on the site.
Where can I find the code to design the detailed album view?
Though I would rather like to see the genre and search results in grid view -
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Is there no fix for this - does grid view just not work on search?
I get a whitescreen when modifying line approx. 35
Here is the line 35 area from your 2.0 upgrade distribution:
$default_layout = $params->get( 'albums_view' );
$layout = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('layout','layout', $default_layout ,'layout');
$this->setState('layout', $layout);
$this->setState('layout', 'detailed');
$this->keywords = JRequest::getVar('searchword');
$this->format_id = JRequest::getVar('format_id');
$this->genre_id = JRequest::getVar('genre_id');
$this->artist_id = JRequest::getVar('artist_id');
$this->type_id = JRequest::getVar('type_id');
$this->tag_id = JRequest::getVar('tag_id');
If I modify $this->setState('layout', 'detailed'); to $this->setState('layout', 'grid');
I get a white screen
If I comment out this line I get a white screen
It looks like it is hardcoded to only permit detailed layout?
This is a serious problem for us as our launch is two weeks away and grid doesn't work.
John -
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0hmm....its strange that you get a white page...
try to erase everything there's before $this->setState('layout', 'grid');
I mean, just get ride of this:
$default_layout = $params->get( 'albums_view' );
$layout = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('layout','layout', $default_layout ,'layout');
$this->setState('layout', $layout); -
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you can contact us at joomlamusicsolutions@gmail.com for alternative payment methods..
however, remember that you can use a credit card on PayPal! no need to have an account
please contact us as soon as possible... (you are not authorized to be using a copy of Music Collection... there is no trial version!)
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