im trying to upload Front sleeve: its JPG file and it show me Album Saved!
but nothing happing it not showing anywhere
but nothing happing it not showing anywhere
Responses (15)
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Accepted Answer
0germi wrote:
but you could before, right? did you changed anything? check folder /images/albums permissions, and check that you did not reached your hosting limit or something like that!
yeah i change my Maximum Upload Filesize befor it was only 2mb now i change to 120mb is thatr why pic not uploading
Germi -
Accepted Answer
0i can upload but picture not showing
then i try to upload thru media manager same image in folder and then it show me error say--> (Not a valid image.)
by the way it start happening after i change my maximum file size i change that in my php.ini after i change that size i was uploading pic then it start happing . then i though it happen cuz i change my size then i went back in php.ini file i make that to default but im facing a same problem
hope u understand the problem if u want u can check it out goign thru in my admin area -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0I could not upload images either.
it's strange, you have a lot of albums with images in it. you uploaded them by FTP, right?
did the uploader ever worked? this seems to be folder permissions (owner/group) thing OR something like you have reached your site maximum size...
can you try to upload the files by FTP? does it work? -
Accepted Answer
0germi wrote:
I could not upload images either.
it's strange, you have a lot of albums with images in it. you uploaded them by FTP, right?
did the uploader ever worked? this seems to be folder permissions (owner/group) thing OR something like you have reached your site maximum size...
can you try to upload the files by FTP? does it work?
well i didnt use ftp to upload image and not sure my site maximum size but im sure imnot out og my space
so how can i fix that -
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Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0germi wrote:
well, if you delete the folder you'll erase all the already uploaded images... if you dont have many, that's not dramatic.
you have to be sure that the folder has the correct owner/group
you should use some tool like eXplorer or Cpanel or something, to see the folder's owner and group
well i found something its not problem from music colllection its othere problem i can not install anything in my server thru joomla installer im gona restore my site and have to do everything for begaining
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