Thanks for solving most of the issues on my site. To update you. I tested most of the stuff that you did.
Everything seems to work perfect.
The SEF/SEO with builtin joomla also is working the way it should.
The only bug I can see so far are:
1. Using Joomsef, the URL is kinking wrongly. For instance, the menu search should be http://domain.com/search/song..... but instead its showing http://domain.com/anothermenu/song.... so the referencing is incorrect.
2. Using AceSef with muscol components - Evertything seems to work the way it should, but the only issue i noticed was inability to delete song uploaded. It reloads to the front page. I can upload music, artist and view without any issues. I will do more testing to see where other issues are.
3. The lastest added artist is still not working. Pls check again. I didn't download any new update of that. Is there an update?
In the meantime, am using the joomla builtin SEF which works brillantly apart from the obvious component/muscol/song... that shouws on the URL.
Will keep you posted with other findings.
Thanks for solving most of the issues on my site. To update you. I tested most of the stuff that you did.
Everything seems to work perfect.
The SEF/SEO with builtin joomla also is working the way it should.
The only bug I can see so far are:
1. Using Joomsef, the URL is kinking wrongly. For instance, the menu search should be http://domain.com/search/song..... but instead its showing http://domain.com/anothermenu/song.... so the referencing is incorrect.
2. Using AceSef with muscol components - Evertything seems to work the way it should, but the only issue i noticed was inability to delete song uploaded. It reloads to the front page. I can upload music, artist and view without any issues. I will do more testing to see where other issues are.
3. The lastest added artist is still not working. Pls check again. I didn't download any new update of that. Is there an update?
In the meantime, am using the joomla builtin SEF which works brillantly apart from the obvious component/muscol/song... that shouws on the URL.
Will keep you posted with other findings.
Responses (27)
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0I installed Acesef, but it wont work properly with community builder add album and add artist menu. I removed it. The plus using Acesef is that the URL is right. The SEO is also better. But i removed it because of issues with CB.
I just installed Joomsef, like i said earlier, the linking and redirection is wrong: See below:
/video-channel-and-music-playlist/ is a submenu and shouldn't aappear have appeared. the right URL should have been:
So there is still a bit of bug in using Joomsef.
Germi pls check.
Thanks -
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0Final Conclusions: i have decided to stick with joomla builtin SEF. Music collection seems to be having issues with Acesef and joomsef
I also discovered that both Acesef and joomsef using community builder ( add album and add artist seems to produces error 404. i have been very patient testing the best SEF to use, but my conclusion is that i will wait until an updated MC thats compatible with popular SEF is available.
There seems to be one bug or the other using SEF except builtin joomla SEF.
germi, pls let me know when you can test this on my site. I have removed joomsef.
Thanks. -
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I was having lunch
let's see: the CB link issues are solved using the ITEMID parameters on the CB plugin.
the idea is simple: you first create two menu items, "ADD ARTIST" and "ADD ALBUM", on your site, somewhere.
the buttons in CB are actually only "shortcuts" to these menu items. you need to put the ITEMIDs on the parameters of the plugin.
if you don't know how to do it, leave it like it is, I'll do it for you
about JomSEF: I'm quite positive that JomSEF works just perfect when the MC plugin is ON.
I tell you this because I don't want you to "give up" on JomSEF. if that's what you wanted to use in the first place, you can use it. if there's something not working, I'll take care of it. just enable JomSEF, NOTIFY me and I'll do what it takes.
Germi -
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0The menu is still linking to http://www.justjojoentertainment.com/video-channel-and-music-playlist/song/108
/video-channel-and-music-playlist/ is a submenu. -
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I installed Music COllection's JomSEF extension plugin (it wasn't theree!!!!)
JomSEF URls for Music COllection are working good.
I deleted all Music Collection URls and re-created them. I cleaned cache.
they work GOOD, but they could be more NICE, as you just pointed out: the are starting with "video-channel-and-music-playlist" which is not very nice.
from MY point of view, it would be much nicer if that was actually something like... "music"
do you agree?
to achieve this is very easy with Music Colleciton and JomSEF (remember! this is not a bug whatsoever! now I'm just giving you clues on how to make it look nicer!)
1) on ALL your music collection MODULES, please us the ITEMID field. we will make all them point to the main music menu item, which is 487 (search menu)
IMPORTANT: actually, last point can be skipped: JomSEF offers a kick-ass feature, which is to override all Itemids for one particular component. just go to JomSEF admin -> manage extensions
click on MUSCOL
2) delete all MUSCOL jomsef created URLs. CLEAN CACHE. browse the site.
that should do the trick!
I could do it myself but I want you to understand how it works, and see it yourself.
as you see, from this point on it's all about JomSEF's config. Music Collection is working good!
Germi -
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