Fresh install problem - parameters is blank

Now I have installed this 3 times: first time resulted the same as the 3rd. Second time was and installation of an older version on 1.6.6 of joomla - this resulted in the parameters to be visible.

All installs had issues with various modules. I was able to configure a page with the Alphabetical search mod and able to display featured albums. Featured artist resulted in a blank page. Creating a link to the default layout resulted in a blank page (otherwise a misconfiguration)

First install resulted in the player not working and the second install (older version)resulted in the player working. I was able to get the cloud plugin to work on the second install and clicking around resulted positive. going to albums, or songs etc.

I am on my 3rd install and figured I would inquire here to figure out what the original problem was...the parameters not being able to view...

Responses (4)
  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, August 25 2011, 08:08 AM - #Permalink

    are you installing the correct files?

    if you are in Joomla 1.6, then all packages names end with ""

    for instance, main component is

    DO NOT INSTALL a file if it does not have the it won't work, because it's for Joomla 1.5!!

    is that the problem you're having?

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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, August 25 2011, 04:18 PM - #Permalink
    No Installed all the 1.6 files...It seems that the parameters are not viewable and the players is not functioning. Adding albums, artist songs etc is working fine. Creating a menu item is working fine too displaying the default page, with search by alpha, search albums etc.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, August 25 2011, 05:40 PM - #Permalink
    Okay - I found that I installed plg_player_2.2.1 and not the 2.2.0_1.6 after uninstalling 2.2.1 and installing 2.2.0_1.6 I was given successful install only to find that the plugin in not there under management.

    I also found that I had two muscol components enable under management one uppercase and one lower case. I am going to proceed by UN-installing the component(2), Plugs and Modules.

    Going for another install...

    FYI - This is Joomla 1.6.6 on a windows based system.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, August 25 2011, 09:38 PM - #Permalink
    Yup - Didn't have have the 1.6 player. And this time watching carefully that I installed all 1.6 items the parameters showed up. and the player worked! I didnt install the 2.2.1 version of the player - is there any reason i would need to?
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