Hi Germi,
I am using the standard Joomla SEF setting for the site that I am developing. When I set the menu link to access the component through say Artist view by setting it to a specific Artist.
It makes a URL in this format:
Where the menus structure is: showcase (main menu) , and songwriters collection (submenu).
Then when we click on the specific letter cathegory in the breadcrumbs say M, we get the following URL with list of artists:
If we go to the song view of an artist and then go to an individual song and try to post comment, after we post the comment, the page seems goes into a ‘lost’ mode with the following URL. Image attached.
Further, the requirements are when we access to the songwriters collection sub-menu, we get the list of all the artists that are under letter T. Was not sure if there is a way to do this in MC, So I made direct external link as the following:
I made it in none SEF mode to make sure it would work in SEF and none SEF whatever the site was set in.
And it works fine, except when we click in any other item in the page, it create a link that does not have the &Itemid=20 with it, and hence we lose the right side column menus. That’s true if SEF mode is set or not.
And we get links in this form:
If I set the SEF on, and set the menu to the default search form, I get the search form fine, but, when I search for items, I lose the right side column in the search result list, and the URL looks something like this, that seems to lose the submenu: (Probably, since ItemId is not set)
If you have some thoughts on this, I would appreciate it.
I am using the standard Joomla SEF setting for the site that I am developing. When I set the menu link to access the component through say Artist view by setting it to a specific Artist.
It makes a URL in this format:
Where the menus structure is: showcase (main menu) , and songwriters collection (submenu).
Then when we click on the specific letter cathegory in the breadcrumbs say M, we get the following URL with list of artists:
If we go to the song view of an artist and then go to an individual song and try to post comment, after we post the comment, the page seems goes into a ‘lost’ mode with the following URL. Image attached.
Further, the requirements are when we access to the songwriters collection sub-menu, we get the list of all the artists that are under letter T. Was not sure if there is a way to do this in MC, So I made direct external link as the following:
I made it in none SEF mode to make sure it would work in SEF and none SEF whatever the site was set in.
And it works fine, except when we click in any other item in the page, it create a link that does not have the &Itemid=20 with it, and hence we lose the right side column menus. That’s true if SEF mode is set or not.
And we get links in this form:
http://www .mysite.aaa/component/muscol/?view=artist&id=2
If I set the SEF on, and set the menu to the default search form, I get the search form fine, but, when I search for items, I lose the right side column in the search result list, and the URL looks something like this, that seems to lose the submenu: (Probably, since ItemId is not set)
If you have some thoughts on this, I would appreciate it.
Responses (13)
Accepted Answer
0Sorry, I forgot to attach the image for the comment issue.
Also want to add that when setting the menu option as external link, if we set it to full or partial path in the SEF form: (The mode is also SEF)
It generates and 404 error, trying to access that page. -
Accepted Answer
0just one thing: if you loose the right column, it is probably because you are not using the ITEMID parameter of music collection, wich is to avoid this precisely. you should write there the number of the menu item you want MC be pointing to
besides of that, we are working on a sef patch to work with native joomla sef engine... -
Accepted Answer
0Hi Germi,
Thank you very much for the quick reponse. Earlier I missed the Itemid in the paramter list. I just fond it; but settig it doesn't seem to affect the outputted URL. Kinda feels like the Euro and Dollar sign issue. Do you know where I should look if things are passed properly. an image is atatched of the paramer field, in case it's not the right place. Thanks. -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Hi Germi,
This was the second time I lost a post after I finished typing and submitting, to only find out that I am logged out :-) ,and back button does nothing. I keep telling myself, first type the post, and then login. But, then I get cut up in the post and forget :-))
Anyhow ... My menu link to the component was an external link of the form:
http://www .mysite.aaa/index.php?option=com_muscol&view=artists&letter=T&Itemid=20
Trying to reach the component with all albums for the letter T filtered and displayed.
The external link does not have component parameters, so I can’t set the item id. As the result, it does not work.
For test, changing the type to artists view, allows me to set the item id, and clicking elements in the page then works properly and I do get the side column with new pages. That’s except two side menu items that one links to the search form of the component, and the other to the playlist. For both, I set the itemid, but it does not work, and I get the full page covered with when I click on those two menu links. That’s true for both SEF mode on and SEF mode off.
Is there are a way to use the external link as above and still get the itemids generated?
I'll be out for few hours. Thanks again. -
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Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0just one thing: here's a new patch to make the joomla sef engine work fine: http://www.joomlamusicsolutions.com/downloads/doc_details/48-router-file-for-joomla-native-sef.html?lang=en -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Hi Germi,
Just reporting back. The problem with Itemids seemed to be my lack of sleep :laugh: I realized that these menu items are new menu items and I needed to add the module positions for those as well. The site is now working in none SEF as expected and correctly. The new comments on items without any previous post, also seems to get displayed properly. When I applied the SEF patch after wards, some of the stuff worked, and some others still didn’t similar to issues on this thread. Joomla archive system also seem to have a SEF problem that I posted on the J! site that others have detected as well. It probably creeped in since 1.5.15 or recently before that. So, I probably have to turn the SEF off, until that issue is resolved as well. I’ll try to make a test site echo of this development site on our server, if we need it. Thanks again. -
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