Playlist "add button"

Hi Germi. Early on in the project I think I disabled the add to playlist button (can't remember how frankly). Can you point me to where I can check to see if the "add button" code was stripped/commented out and how to put it back. I have created playlists and have a menu item pointed too the playlists page and that shows fine. There is just no way to add a song to one.

List view tweek
Also, how could I add a small thumbnail image (artist image) to the Artist list view to replace the # on the left?

Many, Many, Many Thanks
Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, February 03 2012, 10:16 PM - #Permalink
    OK I installed on other template - set up parameters module & component, set up a playlist on the menu - still no add button or video button. Added W player to home page and another page. What am I missing here. I can give you a login if necessary. HELP
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, February 04 2012, 04:37 PM - #Permalink

    1) "add to playlist" button is enabled on the PLUGIN parameters (jwplayer plugin)
    2) thumbnail artist -> hmm.. are you a coder...? if you are:
    the class MusColHelper has a function to retrieve an artist's thumbnail. like so:

    function createThumbnailArtist($file, $alt, $width, $image_attr = array(), $params = array())

    so you can call MusColHelper::createThumbnailArtist passing the right values..! :) you can leave the two last params empty.
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