Okay so when you click on an artist or an album it takes you to a page that gives me an error because it's not putting the domain name in front of the url. So where do I go to add the domain name so this thing will click on the link and go to the page.
Okay so when you click on an artist or an album it takes you to a page that gives me an error because it's not putting the domain name in front of the url. So where do I go to add the domain name so this thing will click on the link and go to the page.
Responses (21)
Accepted Answer
please read our installation instructions: http://www.joomlathat.com/documentation/music-collection/installation
Please read the big blue box about the system plugin, this will solve your problem. -
Accepted Answer
1Yeah I fixed it the modules needs id number form menu to work correctly. How do I change the search input to be smaller or move somewhere else in the design?
http://dahitz.com/music-center -
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Accepted Answer
0im having this problem just installed, followed the instructions
Install and enable the System Plugin. It's called plg_muscol_XXX_2.5.zip (or plg_muscol_XXX_3.0.zip)
Note that the Music collection system plugin needs to be moved to the last position of your plugins in order to work properly. You can do this by sorting the plugins by the first column and dragging the Music collection one to the end of the list.
as you can see in my attachment its at the end of the system plugin list, but still my site is missing from the url
please could you help
thanks -
Accepted Answer
0Having this same problem after the v3 upgrade - All instructions carefully followed, system plugin is last in list, still not working...
version 2 worked fine for years...
Was the php FIX referred to above please?
Any other ideaas? Wea re dead in the water until we can fix this..-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agothere's no "fix" for this, this works ok... if you're positive that the plugin is in last position, then just try to clear the cache, so the links will be re-done...
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Accepted Answer
0Bud Bell wrote:
I give it the menu id for the link and it worked.
Yep! That worked. I published the "Mandatory" Home page item on the wrong (Admin) menu. Since I don't need to display the component in all its glory (I just need the albums my client played on) I put the "Mandatory Home Page" onto a hidden menu and now it's working.
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