Something missing
i can see the add album button (core aplication is yes)but when i click it shows an empty album page.
What do i place in "Itemid for add album link"
i can see the add album button (core aplication is yes)but when i click it shows an empty album page.
What do i place in "Itemid for add album link"
Responses (6)
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Accepted Answer
Now, i know how it works.
And is not what i needed.
In my site, only administrator can add data.
I need that users can add and remove albums to their "my albumbs" and share them in jomsocial. just a botton in the album page (like the facebook like)to add an album and another in the "my albums" to remove.
Is is posible to do a plugin like that? -
Accepted Answer
0ah!!! I understand now what you mean...
no, it's not possible with this plugin: this plugin shows "albums ADDED by that particular user".
what you seem to want is some kind of "my collection" feature, something like you can say "I own this album", and that shows in a jomsocial plugin...
is that it? did I understand it right?
this would require custom coding... the "my collection" feature (including new database table) should be coded, and also a new plugin for jomsocial (based on the current "my albums" plugin) should be written...)
Germi -
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