display artists by genre?

How can I display artists by genre?

Currently there is a genre link on each artist's page. When one clicks on the link it does not display all artists in that genre, but instead switches the user to viewing all albums by that genre. This is very confusing for most users as it is not consistent nor does it fit the standards that other music sites have set.

An artist genre link should show all artists by that genre, where as an album genre link should show all albums by that genre. Having an artist genre link on an artist page that displays a list of albums when clicked is confusing.

How could I change this link to show a list of all artists that are tagged with the matching genre?
Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, December 27 2011, 04:22 PM - #Permalink
    I understand what you're saying. this not currently available because we don't have an ARTIST search facility, this is something that needs to be built. not easy..! it's a whole new area so I can't just "point" you to the right direction...
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