Good day to you,
I attached two error messages below.
Not sure why it says fakepath?
Komento issues are popping up when I try to create a new album & song, a new song and when I try to create playlists or see detail on artists.
Did I install the path wrong?
Is the Kommento file missing?
I did have one issue with an easy social integration extension from you...thought it installed but maybe not?
Thank you!
I attached two error messages below.
Not sure why it says fakepath?
Komento issues are popping up when I try to create a new album & song, a new song and when I try to create playlists or see detail on artists.
Did I install the path wrong?
Is the Kommento file missing?
I did have one issue with an easy social integration extension from you...thought it installed but maybe not?
Thank you!
Responses (10)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0That worked a lot thank you! But still an issue...
I attached error places below.
The jwplayer not showing up or not playing from these 3 locations:
Player on page
Also pop out doesn't work
Lastly, why does it say fake path?
Thoughts on this one sir?
I really like the software so far!!!
Thanks again Eric -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Hello there,
Thank you for your help!!!!
So here is what works and what doesn't.
Forms now work to upload albums and songs
Songs play but only if they are uploaded from my MacBook but NOT from Dropbox or Google Drive.
Is this possible? I hope? This is super important!!
Also, the + to add songs to a playlist doesn't add them.
Also, the jwplayer does not play in its standalone or pop up. Is this because there are no songs in the playlist?
I am sorry to burden you, you do an amazing job!!!!
Eric -
Accepted Answer
0I mean that if I want to add an MP3 to MC from Dropbox or Google Drive (where most musicians store a copy of their music for easy access) it shows up and appears to upload (upload meterbar moves) it then appears as a file in MC but when the play button is pushed...nothing moves or plays.
But if I add an MP3 from my physical hard drive on my computer...it shows up and the play button works.
My question is...
Does MC allow a user to add MP3's from Dropbox and Google Drive?
If so, mine doesn't and I don't know why
If not, can this be added?
Thank you again,
Eric -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Sorry I took some time to respond, had a different issue with the site and had to remove MC and reload for unrelated matter.
To answer your question about mp3 upload...
Here is an actual example:
I am currently moving to Joomla! from Wordpress.
On WordPress, I had BuddyPress (social software like easysocial) Within it I added a plugin called MediaPress.
MediaPress allowed the user to be on their phone or pad and by visiting there own profile "gallery" or the activity page, or group etc... The user looking at the site on their phone could then click an "ADD MEDIA" button and up popped options in their phone i.e. take a pic, upload a pic, dropbox, gdrive, etc. By clicking on dropbox or Gdrive it would take you to the files there. You could simply click the file that you wanted and it would download/upload to the destination by which you clicked. It was saved in the site under media files (audio).
Now I also had a Music Plugin similar to yours called Music Store. It offered the same ease as did many of the other plugins.
In Joomla! and in MC, the same clicking of the "ADD MEDIA" button exists and the same options pop up, but as you click the file you want, it only appears to download (the meter bar) and then it shows up, but there is nothing there. I have found that the only way I can get the song to show up is from my computer.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is this possible in the future if not today?
A different question:
How do I get the Albums to show up on the main page i.e. like on the demo?
Currently, I get the letter-bar search on top, then song or album search, then a vertical listing of albums.
Thank you again for all of your help!!!
Eric -
Accepted Answer
in MC you need to either upload the songs or to point DIRECTLY to them. So, even I didn't understand too well your explanation, the answer is no, it is not possible, at least today....
to show albums on the main page, see this. http://www.joomlathat.com/documentation/music-collection/custom-homepage
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