Hey Germi: Ever since I installed Muscol for Joomla 3 the chronology didn't work. It was activated but it didn't show. However, at some point I installed the FALANG component (to make the site bilingual) and the Chronology showed up! I was happy with this but the problem is that I was just testing falang and I don't want it. I read in the forum that some users had problems with chronology and joomla 3. What was the solution?
Responses (4)
Accepted Answer
0By the way: There seems to be something wrong with this:
<?php if($this->prev_album || $this->next_album){
$prev_album_link= MusColHelper::routeAlbum($this->prev_album->id);
$next_album_link= MusColHelper::routeAlbum($this->next_album->id);
Whatever you put within this just doesn't render on the website. Including any text or whatever. -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0It's weird. I don't want falang because it fucks up my website. For some reason links from muscol to joomla articles turn into 500 errors. The chronology works but then links to conditions of use etc are unavailable. My database version i mysql-5.0.96 by the way. Check my web now and go to any article. I'm turning on falang to show the chronology. It is next to albums pictures. The plugin that especifically turns on the chronology is called System - FaLang Database Driver.-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agocan you post a link please? links to music collection don't work? or to articles? (I'm confused, I though the problem was only with chronology..?
Accepted Answer
0Sorry for taking so long to reply. LifeThis is an album page http://tinyurl.com/mencg94 I uninstalled falang and turned on the setting to show chronology but as you can see it doesn't show. It should be above the register green div next to album cover.
The only articles I have are the ones at the footer, about lobotoradio, conditions of use, and privacy policy. Right now they show, but if I turn on falang I get a 500 error, which was why I decided to turn off falang and try to deal with the chronology issue itself. Before removing falang I even turned those menus in the footer from modules to plain html in the index page to see if it was a joomla issue with the modules, but even then I got 500 error. Hope this helps you pinpoint any conflict with falang. Have any ideas how can I deal with the chronology issue? It worked perfectly until I upgraded to music collection for joomla 3. Have a great day.
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