few more suggestions, this time about searching Virtuemart products to invoce/quote:
- product thumbnail in search results would be great (better product identification while adding to invoce/quote)
- product frontend href "see product on frontend" (for quick checking other product info like customfields, category, full desc etc.)
- in /plugins/invoicessearch/virtuemart/virtuemart.php some LIMIT clause in query would be appreciated or some pagination, I have 150 000 products in shop, sometimes if I type short search keyword my browser hangs because of large number of products being load
I already made them by some custom coding in /plugins/invoicessearch/virtuemart/virtuemart.php and /administrator/components/com_invoices/controllers/invoice.php, so it can be done easily.
Best regards,
few more suggestions, this time about searching Virtuemart products to invoce/quote:
- product thumbnail in search results would be great (better product identification while adding to invoce/quote)
- product frontend href "see product on frontend" (for quick checking other product info like customfields, category, full desc etc.)
- in /plugins/invoicessearch/virtuemart/virtuemart.php some LIMIT clause in query would be appreciated or some pagination, I have 150 000 products in shop, sometimes if I type short search keyword my browser hangs because of large number of products being load
I already made them by some custom coding in /plugins/invoicessearch/virtuemart/virtuemart.php and /administrator/components/com_invoices/controllers/invoice.php, so it can be done easily.
Best regards,
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