I was wondering whether you have considered forseeing some kind of a timetracking component that would allow people to track their time while eg. working on projects.
I would be great to find all time spent on different projects/customers as items that can be added to an invoice and charge for your time.
Not sure how it could be implemented, but maybe foresee an option where you can select: [ ] Products [ ] Time.
Whatever of those 2 is selected will make the body of the invoice.
Products can be added manually or via a looup from the products table.
Same would apply for time: or you enter it manually or look it up from the TimeTracking table.
One difference between products and time is that products don't disappear from your products lable after adding them as an item to an invoice.
For TimeTracking, you need to have some lkind of a mechanism that marks the entry as charged on invoice XXXXX, so you don't charge the same time twice.
Adding time to an invoice could work from 2 locations: going into the TimeTracking table and selecting those lines that apply to a specific customer and link them to an invoice.
From the invoice creation after selecting the [ ] Time option. Adding them just the way you add products (so. eg. filtering on Project or Customer in the TimeTracking table and then linking them to the invoice.
As for the TimeTracking registration: Would be great to be able to log time with a webpage for mobile devices. Customer might be pulled from the Invoice Manager's Contacts table. Would be great to define a project name, just in case this customer has you working on multiple things.
Start and stop (maybe triggered by a button)
You could even foresee an addional feature: TimeSheets. The invoicer could attach this to the invoice as evidence for the work delivered...
Just an idea...
I was wondering whether you have considered forseeing some kind of a timetracking component that would allow people to track their time while eg. working on projects.
I would be great to find all time spent on different projects/customers as items that can be added to an invoice and charge for your time.
Not sure how it could be implemented, but maybe foresee an option where you can select: [ ] Products [ ] Time.
Whatever of those 2 is selected will make the body of the invoice.
Products can be added manually or via a looup from the products table.
Same would apply for time: or you enter it manually or look it up from the TimeTracking table.
One difference between products and time is that products don't disappear from your products lable after adding them as an item to an invoice.
For TimeTracking, you need to have some lkind of a mechanism that marks the entry as charged on invoice XXXXX, so you don't charge the same time twice.
Adding time to an invoice could work from 2 locations: going into the TimeTracking table and selecting those lines that apply to a specific customer and link them to an invoice.
From the invoice creation after selecting the [ ] Time option. Adding them just the way you add products (so. eg. filtering on Project or Customer in the TimeTracking table and then linking them to the invoice.
As for the TimeTracking registration: Would be great to be able to log time with a webpage for mobile devices. Customer might be pulled from the Invoice Manager's Contacts table. Would be great to define a project name, just in case this customer has you working on multiple things.
Start and stop (maybe triggered by a button)
You could even foresee an addional feature: TimeSheets. The invoicer could attach this to the invoice as evidence for the work delivered...
Just an idea...
Responses (5)
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Hi Germinal,
I spoke to a customer and they seem to have a need for it as well.
I was wondering: would this be something that could be created as a side project or custom coding, or is it a too big project for that ?
I can imagine that the TimeTracking interaction with IM would require some changes to IM, but not sure how far we are from this ?
If people would vote for this, how many votes would make this go up in the current list of to do's or priorities ? ;o) -
Accepted Answer
0it would definitely be a big project, but that doesn't mean it can't be done as custom coding work for you.
we would really only consider to add this into our current IM if we really saw a big demand for it, like different customers contacting us and asking us for that.. (which hasn't happened at all for last 2 years..
to my point of view this looks quite a separate thing as IM itself, I don't really see us creating this as an extension for IM to be honest. -
Accepted Answer
0Would there be integration (time logs available in IM for invoicing) if it would be created as a separate platform ?
The availability of these time logs in IM is one of the criteria of course.
If you look at IM from a freelancers view, most of your invoicing is based on charging your time. From the moment you have multiple customers and are working on various projects throughout the day, you need to have a consistent time tracking.
At the moment, in my case, time tracking and invoicing are done separate from eachother. I managed to reduce my time to create invoices by moving over to using IM. However, I still end up with quite some administration regarding the time logs.
If you could consider this as a custom coding project, how about IM updates - would it break the functionality of the TimeTracking custom code ? How would that work ?
I would also like to have an idea about the cost. -
Accepted Answer
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