I have some pre-buy questions:
1. Is it possible to add a phone number to the contact section?
2. Is it possible to send a reminder to a costumer?
3. Is it possible to send the invoice as PDF?
4. Is it possible to send a list of working hours (without money on it) with the template function as seen in the attachement?
I have some pre-buy questions:
1. Is it possible to add a phone number to the contact section?
2. Is it possible to send a reminder to a costumer?
3. Is it possible to send the invoice as PDF?
4. Is it possible to send a list of working hours (without money on it) with the template function as seen in the attachement?
Responses (23)
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1. not included, but not difficult to add.
2. there are no "reminders", just "normal" emails. I mean, what you can send on the email is the invoice itself.
3. not currently, sorry. we are working to include this feature in a near future (because a couple users have asked for this as well, we understand it would be a very handy feature)
4. you mean you want to have this as fields on the invoice? well, no then... the template is totally customizable, but if you want this on the invoice entries then you have to add it separately.. (like... "thursday: 4h, wednesday, 3h.." but in different lines) -
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01. well, basically adding the field to the database and then to the form (I can tell you the exact code to add in what exact file)
4. but would it be an "static" table? I mean, always the same? in this case you can simply add it into the TEMPLATE! (but it will be the same for all the invoices)
otherwise, if it has to be different for each one, then the option is to add it in the "notes" section of the invoice, as it was a note.. but you actually put the table HTML code... -
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1basically you need to do 3 things:
1) on the #__invoices_contacts database table, add a new field "phone"
2) on the file /administrator/components/com_invoices/tables/contact.php add var phone = null ; where the other variables are declared.
3) on /administrator/components/com_invoices/views/contact/tmpl/default.php you have to add the new INPUT field for phone. it has to be named "phone" and the value must be this:
I am asuming with all this that you know a liiiiittle bit (just a little) of PHP!-
Mikael Petterssonmore than a month agoYou should add this to the documentation.
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wow... :lol: you just discovered a little bug!!! I just found out that the Notes are not visible in the invoice form!!! that's my fault. I appologise for that!!
I have just upgraded the package so the NOTES are shown in the invoice form. please download the package again and just install on top (it will upgrade)
sorry for the inconvenience!
Yes, if you want to share your translation file with our users that would be great! just go here: http://www.joomlafinances.com/downloads/upload
and submit the .ini file
or if you prefer, send the file to me at joomlafinances@gmail.com
Germi -
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