
ISSUE: There is no pdf invoices currently being attached to mail.

What is the correct permissions for the pdfinvoices folder to work. Is it 755?

I currently have the following configuration:
1: Directory called pdfinvoices in public_html (this is the root of my joomla install).
2: In Invoice Manager configuration. Attach PDF Invoice in email - YES.
3: Extracted the dompdf.zip to public_html/components/com_invoices/helpers

Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, April 03 2016, 12:57 PM - #Permalink
    755 is ok, 644 should work too, I think.

    the 3 points you mention are correct... but just be sure that everything is in the right place...

    the /pdfinvoices should be right at the same level as the "administrator" or "components" folders.
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