Hi guys
i just upgrade to the new software and now the invoice totals in the header section get cut off.
please see attached
i would like to be able to see the entire number in the header section
also should point out this is an hd screen, not a skinny monitor
how can i fix this?
also in the new software there is now a print button do we have to create a new style guide for this to work?
thanks in advance
i just upgrade to the new software and now the invoice totals in the header section get cut off.
please see attached
i would like to be able to see the entire number in the header section
also should point out this is an hd screen, not a skinny monitor
how can i fix this?
also in the new software there is now a print button do we have to create a new style guide for this to work?
thanks in advance
Responses (15)
Accepted Answer
if you want, we can remove the part on the left of the "totals" (which is intended for graphics), this way you'll have more room for the numbers.
I would need joomla and FTP access to do that.
the print button should simply open a new page with no template styles, so you can print directly... -
Accepted Answer
0Thanks for the quick reply Germinal
I bought content statistics previously, but was unable to figure out how to make the graphics work, so I forgot about it.
It is installed on the server also
preferably I would rather have the graphics and the entire number display... is this not a possibility?
I should also point out that 6 figures is not a lot of space before cutting off the display... just think of currencies that have lower value then the Euro/Dollar you could fill up this space in a couple invoices....
Would there be a way to add a conditional css class to the titles, if they are longer than a certain amount of characters or something to that effect? -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0if i change the font-size to 20px it displays fine so I will change it to that
seeing as we are discussing this
I tried to run on the content statistics component again, and every time I load the module in the backend (as shown in your documentation)
it crashes the entire page
when i run the debug, i see error trying to access NULL data
would you be able to help me get that module working?
ideally i would get all 6 graphics working -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0@Germinal i was able to identify the section; the changes where not reflecting before because of cache.
This method however did not resolve the problem. When the invoice manager side menu is collapsed, the headers show fine however, when i expand the menu, i still run into same problem.
How can this be resolved?-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoif you decrese it even more (18, 16px), does it show ok?
Accepted Answer
0My solution is probably not endorsed by Germinal 8)
Most people don't realize this, but the template override system works in the Joomla Admin as well as the front facing template.
So when ever I get a component that requires custom css, I simply add a template override in the /adminstrator/templates/isis/html directory
In this case I added a custom id to the page wrapper and manually added a command in the template override. -
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Hi kolaogunnaike,
This is not really the forum to teach people how to do template overrides.
Germinal's support is top notch and his direction should be considered the correct one for his software.
However, to help a fellow Joomla! user out I will try to help explain one of the most powerful tools Joomla offers, the template override.
Basically you are able to override the HTML output of any Component, Module or Plugin by creating a new version of the output in the Joomla /templates/{yourtemplatedirectory}/html
This allows you to make any piece of software installed on your site look and feel how you want, and this avoids having to hack any software.
Here is a list of tutorials to help you understand better.
What I was explaining above, is that in more recent versions of Joomla, we have been given the same capability in the /administrator section where you can now override the out put of any backend Component, Module or Plugin --> Very handy indeed. 8)
To do an override in the admin area, you need add your overrides here
PS Been using Joomla That software for years -great scripts Germinal
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