I sent a contact email today and I have had no response. Our website keeps going white and it is to do with com_invoices. We have ran an update an alas nothing. Can someone contact me asap to sort this. We do not mind paying for addons, but we would like some sort of help when issues arise.
Responses (9)
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Accepted Answer
0Can someone assist please. I have purchased a licence and that comes with support!
And more features...
Print: Clean independant invoice view to print it easily with your browser
Outstanding technical support from our team
100% open source code
Therefore can you support us please-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoHi!
I answered to your email last week but didn't get an answer.. if you can send me access to your site to support@ joomlathat.com I can take a look at it!
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer
0Can you tell me why;
1. You have still not logged in to the site
2. Why you are not answering my emails
3. Why has it taken over a week for you to sort the issue that we have identified
4. You have taken my money and not supported as you protest you are amazing at!
I expect some sort of response from you or your team within 24hrs -
Accepted Answer
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